『ios』cache_t 源码分析(结构,fill,find,c
2021-07-14 本文已影响0人
struct my_objc_class : my_objc_object {
Class superclass;
cache_t cache;
class_data_bits_t bits;
class_rw_t* data() {
return bits.data();
my_objc_class* metaClass() {
return (my_objc_class *)((long long)isa & ISA_MASK);
#if __LP64__
typedef uint32_t mask_t;
typedef uint16_t mask_t;
typedef uintptr_t cache_key_t;
struct bucket_t {
cache_key_t _key;//SEL作为key
IMP _imp;//函数的内存地址
struct cache_t {
bucket_t *_buckets; //散列表
mask_t _mask;//散列表长度 -1
mask_t _occupied;//已缓存的方法数量
struct bucket_t *buckets();
mask_t mask();
mask_t occupied();
void incrementOccupied();
void setBucketsAndMask(struct bucket_t *newBuckets, mask_t newMask);
void initializeToEmpty();
mask_t capacity();
bool isConstantEmptyCache();
bool canBeFreed();
static size_t bytesForCapacity(uint32_t cap);
static struct bucket_t * endMarker(struct bucket_t *b, uint32_t cap);
void expand();
void reallocate(mask_t oldCapacity, mask_t newCapacity);
struct bucket_t * find(cache_key_t key, id receiver);
static void bad_cache(id receiver, SEL sel, Class isa) __attribute__((noreturn));
mask_t cache_t::mask()
return _mask;
mask_t cache_t::capacity()
return mask() ? mask()+1 : 0;
void cache_fill(Class cls, SEL sel, IMP imp, id receiver)
mutex_locker_t lock(cacheUpdateLock);
cache_fill_nolock(cls, sel, imp, receiver);
static void cache_fill_nolock(Class cls, SEL sel, IMP imp, id receiver)
// Never cache before +initialize is done
if (!cls->isInitialized()) return;
// Make sure the entry wasn't added to the cache by some other thread
// before we grabbed the cacheUpdateLock.
if (cache_getImp(cls, sel)) return;
cache_t *cache = getCache(cls);
cache_key_t key = getKey(sel);
// Use the cache as-is if it is less than 3/4 full
mask_t newOccupied = cache->occupied() + 1;
mask_t capacity = cache->capacity();
if (cache->isConstantEmptyCache()) {//如果没有创建过cache空间
// Cache is read-only. Replace it.
cache->reallocate(capacity, capacity ?: INIT_CACHE_SIZE);
else if (newOccupied <= capacity / 4 * 3) {//如果空间小于3/4,什么都不做
// Cache is less than 3/4 full. Use it as-is.
else {//扩大空间
// Cache is too full. Expand it.
// Scan for the first unused slot and insert there.
// There is guaranteed to be an empty slot because the
// minimum size is 4 and we resized at 3/4 full.
bucket_t *bucket = cache->find(key, receiver);
if (bucket->key() == 0) cache->incrementOccupied();
bucket->set(key, imp);
void cache_t::expand()
uint32_t oldCapacity = capacity();
uint32_t newCapacity = oldCapacity ? oldCapacity*2 : INIT_CACHE_SIZE;
if ((uint32_t)(mask_t)newCapacity != newCapacity) {
// mask overflow - can't grow further
// fixme this wastes one bit of mask
newCapacity = oldCapacity;
reallocate(oldCapacity, newCapacity);
cache_key_t getKey(SEL sel)
return (cache_key_t)sel;
//存储 key为sel value 为IMP
void bucket_t::set(cache_key_t newKey, IMP newImp)
assert(_key == 0 || _key == newKey);
// objc_msgSend uses key and imp with no locks.
// It is safe for objc_msgSend to see new imp but NULL key
// (It will get a cache miss but not dispatch to the wrong place.)
// It is unsafe for objc_msgSend to see old imp and new key.
// Therefore we write new imp, wait a lot, then write new key.
_imp = newImp;
if (_key != newKey) {
_key = newKey;
bucket_t * cache_t::find(cache_key_t k, id receiver)
assert(k != 0);
bucket_t *b = buckets();//创建散列表
mask_t m = mask();//
mask_t begin = cache_hash(k, m);
mask_t i = begin;
do {
if (b[i].key() == 0 || b[i].key() == k) {
return &b[i];
} while ((i = cache_next(i, m)) != begin);
// hack
Class cls = (Class)((uintptr_t)this - offsetof(objc_class, cache));
cache_t::bad_cache(receiver, (SEL)k, cls);
static inline mask_t cache_hash(cache_key_t key, mask_t mask)
return (mask_t)(key & mask);

cache_t 清除操作
void cache_erase_nolock(Class cls)
cache_t *cache = getCache(cls);
mask_t capacity = cache->capacity();
if (capacity > 0 && cache->occupied() > 0) {
auto oldBuckets = cache->buckets();
auto buckets = emptyBucketsForCapacity(capacity);
cache->setBucketsAndMask(buckets, capacity - 1); // also clears occupied
cache_collect_free(oldBuckets, capacity);
void cache_delete(Class cls)
mutex_locker_t lock(cacheUpdateLock);
if (cls->cache.canBeFreed()) {
if (PrintCaches) recordDeadCache(cls->cache.capacity());
void cache_t::setBucketsAndMask(struct bucket_t *newBuckets, mask_t newMask)
// objc_msgSend uses mask and buckets with no locks.
// It is safe for objc_msgSend to see new buckets but old mask.
// (It will get a cache miss but not overrun the buckets' bounds).
// It is unsafe for objc_msgSend to see old buckets and new mask.
// Therefore we write new buckets, wait a lot, then write new mask.
// objc_msgSend reads mask first, then buckets.
// ensure other threads see buckets contents before buckets pointer
_buckets = newBuckets;
// ensure other threads see new buckets before new mask
_mask = newMask;
_occupied = 0;
static void flushCaches(Class cls)
mutex_locker_t lock(cacheUpdateLock);
if (cls) {
foreach_realized_class_and_subclass(cls, ^(Class c){
else {
foreach_realized_class_and_metaclass(^(Class c){
runtime源码中,调用cache_erase_nolock 的地方
1.attachCategories(Class cls, category_list *cats, bool flush_caches)
4.addMethod(Class cls, SEL name, IMP imp, const char *types, bool replace)
free_class(Class cls)