Parameters in DPD (Dissipative P
by Yawei Liu @Sydney, Australia 2020/01/16
DPD model
In the DPD model, one DPD bead represents fluid (e.g. water) molecules. Here,
is also called coarse-graining (CG) degree. The DPD beads interact with each other via a conservative force
, a dissipative force
and a random force
given by
between bead and
: the centre-to-centre distance between the two beads.
: the direction vector pointing between the two beads.
: the vector difference in velocities between the two beads.
: the repulsion coefficient.
: the dissipative coefficient.
: the the noise strength, and
the Boltzmann constant and
the temperature.
: a Gaussian white noise variable.
: the simulation time step.
: the cutoff distance, and also can be treated as the size (diameter) of the DPD bead.
Determine paramters
(bead mass) and
In simulations, the reduced units are often used. For DPD model, all units are often scaled by the length unit, the mass unit
, the energy unit
, and the time unit
. Hence,
in the simulations. The superscript asterisk (
) means the quality is in reduced units. Units of other quantities are from these four basic units. For example, the unit for the mass density is
, the unit for the diffusion constant is
The DPD simulations are normally carried out within aensemble, and the number of particles are often determined by setting
. When
, a simple scaling relation between the density and excess pressure exits
. In principle the density chosen for the simulation is a free parameter, but for efficiency reasons one would thus choose the lowest possible density where the scaling relation still holds.
In order to match the compressibility of DPD fluid with a liquid having the dimensionless compressibility of, the interparticle repulsion coefficient
is given by
For water,yields
As a reasonable compromise between fast temperature equilibration, a fast simulation and a stable, physically meaningful system, simulation withand
is often recommended.
However, above choice forand
yields very small Schmidt number (i.e. the ratio of viscosity to diffusion) (
) compared to the real fluid such as water (
). A possible solution to this problem is increasing
. At the same time though,
would have to be reduced to maintain the temperature control.
There is no unique way to determine the parameters for DPD model. For a given physical problem, with a characteristic length scale, we may always put a given number of DPD particles and parametrize the model in order to recover some macroscopic information (e.g. compressibilities, viscosity and diffusion constant).
Units conversation
The conversation between DPD units (,
) and real units ([m], [J], [kg] and [s]) is obtained from the key macroscopic information recovered by the model. If quantities in DPD units are labeled with
and in real units are labeled with
, one would have
the mole mass of the fluid (e.g. water) and
the Avogadro constant.
the mass density of the fluid.
is the system temperature in
- The time unit
can be chosen in different ways.
- By taking the long-term self-diffusion constant into account,
the diffusion constant. Sometimes, this relation is also used to determine
- If the viscous processes are the main parts, then
the kinematic viscosity.
- Or
in which the reference velocity
is chosen as either system thermal velocity
or the characteristic velocity of the real flow.
- By taking the long-term self-diffusion constant into account,
A NVT simulation with 1000 DPD beads in a cubic box is carried out by LAMMPS. The parameters are: ;
. Then, by comparing the DPD fluid with the water at
, we have:
- Mass
[kg] (
- Length
[m] (
- Energy
[J] (
- Time
[s] (
As a results, the kinematic viscosity for the DPD fluid is[m
/s] (
/s] for water).