18/28 人生两件事:面对和接受
Dear diary:
Today I completed three classes, which made me feel a little bit tired. I also went to cinema with my close friend to see the movie "The Shadow". This movie embodies Chinese characteristics, which is attractive to me.
1. 雪花落在积得厚厚的雪褥上面,听去似乎瑟瑟有声,使人更加感到沉寂。
My translation: Snowflakes fall on the ground covered with thick snow, which seems shivering in the wind. It makes people feel more quiet.
Key: Snowflakes fell on the thickly-piled snow, making a whispering sound, which made me feel even more lonely.
2. 为什么会出现这样喜人的局面?重要的原因是加快改革开放顺乎民心,得到人民的支持。
My translation: Why does this satisfying situation arise? the main important reason is that the Reform complies with rules and is supported by people.
Key: One important reason for this encouraging situation is the fact that the acceleration of reform and opening to the outside world conforms to the aspirations of the people, and has therefore won their support.
3. 奥林匹克圣火象征奥林匹克运动会自古至今的连续性。
My translation: Olympic flame represents the Olympic Games will continue in all ages.
Key: The holy flame of Olympics symbolizes the continuity between the ancient and modern Games.