2019-07-20 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(陪同

2019-07-21  本文已影响0人  魔君BYL

Is there any place in particular you would like to go?您有特别想去的地方吗?   in particular 尤其,特别


1. modern scenic spot 现代景点

2. natural  landscape 自然景色

3. summer resort 避暑胜地

4. former residence 故居

5. historical interest 名胜古迹

6. sightseeing bus 观光巴士

7. architecture style 建筑风格


1. Would you lije to go sightseeing tomorrow? 您明天想不想观光游览?

2. Shall I help you in your sightseeing around the city? 我陪您到市区游览观光好吗?

3. Are you into any outdoor activities? I can help you arrange a few. 您喜欢什么户外活动吗?我可以帮您安排一些。

4. What kinds of places do you like to visit? Historical sites or natural landscapes? 您喜欢什么样的地方,名胜古迹还是自然景观?

5. Do you want to see a musical? 您想不想去看场音乐剧?

6. While you're here, we could check out the local arts. 您在这里时,我们可以去看本地艺术表演。

7. Are you interested in visiting historical sites? 您对名胜古迹有没有兴趣?

8. I'm interested in seeing new tourist spots rather than historical sites. 我比较想去新的景点,不太想去看古迹。

9. Are these temples worth seeing? 这些寺庙很值得看吗?


1. It is one of the oldest cities in China. 那是全中国最古老的城市之一。

2. There are many historic buildings in Beijing. 北京有很多历史建筑。

3. There are many places of interest in the city, like museums and ancient Chinese palaces. 本市有很多有趣的地方,像博物馆和中国古代宫殿。


1. The background there will be really beautiful. 那里做背景会很美。

2. Let's take a picture in front of the fountain. 我们在喷泉前拍张照吧。

3. Shall I take a picture for you? 需要为您拍张照片吗?

4. Let's take a picture. 我们来拍张照吧!


1. I will come to your hotel and pick you up at 8:00 tomorrow. 我明天8点到宾馆接您。

2. When shall we set out tomorrow? 我们明天什么时候出发?

3. Could you tell me what to see here? 能告诉我这里有什么参观的地方吗?

4. There are quite a lot to see here, such as the Summer Palace, the Great Wall and the Imperial Palacce. 这里可参观的地方非常多,例如颐和园、长城和故宫。

5. It's the best place to have a distant view of the whole city. 这里是远眺这座城市的最佳地点。

6. Is it one of the landmarks of Beijing? 那是北京的地标之一吗?

7. What's the city famous for? 这座城市以什么闻名?

8. It's famous for its breathtaking views. 以迷人的风景闻名。

9. Could you please recommend some interesting places? 你可以介绍一些好玩的地方吗?

10. I prefer the later. 我比较喜欢后者。

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