统计比较: Augur、Civic、 EOS和 VeChain资
本文原文内容链接来自于https://steemit.com/eos/@sensi-stats/the-big-and-small-fishes-of-augur-civic-eos-and-vechain-a-statistical-comparison,作者 sensi-stats ,由本号“EOS技术爱好者”翻译。
The big and small fishes of Augur, Civic, EOS and VeChain: A Statistical Comparison
统计比较: Augur、Civic、 EOS和 VeChain资产持有者的分布
In this article we are going to compare four projects in terms of the distribution of their respective tokens. The projects are Augur, Civic, EOS and VeChain. We are going to show what is the weight of big and small holders in the total token distribution.
在这篇文章中,我们将比较Augur, Civic, EOS和VeChain这四个项目代币持有者的分布。我们将展示在所有代币分布中,权重大和权重小的持有者。
We value your peer-review. Let us know about points we might have missed, all feedback is welcome.
We often hear that a good functioning governance relies on a healthy distribution of the project shares. This makes sense as in decentralization, otherwise decisions may end up being taken by a minority holding large amount of shares. This is not necessarily a bad thing, big investors are likely to seek the best decisions since they are so heavily invested. However, aggregating different opinions and perspectives is known to result in better overall decisions (i.e wisdom of the crowd).
For all the four projects we accessed the lists of all token holder address data from the Etherscan.io website [1].
1. For each token distribution, we sort the token holding addresses from poorest to the richest.
2. Then, starting from the poorest address, we calculate the cumulative sum of tokens as we continue down to the richest address.
3. We plot this cumulative sum (on the vertical axis) against the current address' balances (on the horizontal axis).
4. To make the curves comparable we divide the cumulative sum and the address balances to the total token supply of each project. In this way all values become ratios of total token supply.

In this way, each point (X,Y) on the curves shows the ratio of project shares Y held by addresses having X or less.
For example: we see that all curves (except Civic) intersect roughly at (X= 0.01, Y= 0.5) meaning that 50% of all the tokens are held in wallets each with less than 1% of the total supply.
例如:我们看到所这些曲线(除了Civic)大部分都是相交于(X= 0.01, Y= 0.5)这个点的附近,这意味着50%的代币都是在钱包中,其中每一个钱包都不超过总代币数量的1%。
• Civic is the most centralized distribution among all four. With 66% held by the project [2] and a single address holding 1/3 of the remaining 33% sold in the token sale.
• For Augur the richest address holds the least amount (5%) of all tokens. Although, for comparison, we should keep in mind that the EOS distribution is still going on. The richest EOS address that holds 20% of all tokens will be gradually emptied by the end of the distribution (end of June).
• In terms of broadness of the distributions, EOS is more widely distributed among wallets with small amounts. We see this for wallets holding from 0.00001% to 1%. These wallets' contribution to the total sum is consistently larger when compared to the other distributions. This may be attributed to the novel distribution method that auctions a fixed amount of tokens on a daily basis [3].
•Civic是所有四个项目中代币持有者最集中的一个。在项目[2]中持有66%的股份, 一个单独的地址持有了剩下33%售出的代币份额,占了1/3的比例。
Here we summarize some of the limitations that might affect the interpretation of the data analysis
- Users with multiple wallets: If users are holding their tokens in several wallets with different addresses this will show up as an artificial spread in our distribution analysis. However, since we are comparing several projects relatively to each other, unless users of some projects tend to create more multiple wallets than other projects, we do not expect this effect to change our relative interpretations
- Large exchange addresses: Users might keep their tokens on exchanges and hence they would appear under a single large address. Thus if a token has a higher trading volume it will tend to appear artificially more centralized due to the large exchange presence.
- 有多个钱包的用户: 如果用户把代币放在不同的几个钱包里,这将会在我们的持有者分布分析中变成人为的不正确结果。但由于我们比较了几个项目,发现除非某些项目的用户比其他项目更容易产生更多的钱包,不然并不期望这种影响会改变我们的相关解释。
- 大型交易所地址: 用户在交易所存放他们的代币,这样就会出现一个持有量很大的地址。因此,如果一个代币交易量比较大,同时很多交易所支持交易,这种代币将会人为集中地出现。
We value your peer-review. Let us know about points we might have missed, all feedback is welcome.
本文原文内容链接来自于https://steemit.com/eos/@sensi-stats/the-big-and-small-fishes-of-augur-civic-eos-and-vechain-a-statistical-comparison,作者 sensi-stats,由Lochaiching翻译。转载请参照本文文首说明。
