首先我要先说,这是我家宝宝的一些经历和我总结的一些经验,可以作为思考的因素,但不是针对所有小孩。为什么有些孩子容易哭呢?这很大程度上是因为陪着孩子成长的家长或者接触时间比较长的家里人没有给到孩子足够多的安全感。我记得我家大宝2岁半以前是很少以哭来引起大人的注意的。即使在大人面前摔倒了不是特别的痛都不怎么哭。顶多哭一下下就没事人一样。直到我家二宝出生,那时大宝两岁半左右。从二宝还没满月开始,大宝的性情开始有些变了。老是粘着作为妈妈的我,即使我在喂着二宝吃奶,她也是会紧紧的靠过来,二宝哭她也不让我去抱,只是拉着爸爸的手让爸爸回床上抱。睡觉时绝不跟任何人睡,都是要跟着我,我只有左右手各一个睡。半夜起床喂奶我也是要坐着用手抚摸着她的手或头才可以安心睡,要不然她会跟着坐起来哭闹。两宝一个人带,身心俱疲。总有时候顾不上,那时候要不然就大宝哭 ,要不然就小宝哭,要不然两宝一起哭。我也只能背上背着小的,手上抱着大的作为安抚两宝的方法。我也说不出温柔的话语。也许是大宝一时接受不了妈妈的爱让弟弟分走了一半,所以总是想方设法来引起妈妈的重视。那段时间大宝特别爱哭,啥事都能哭一场,一天能哭20场。这种情况直到她上了小学才慢慢好点。其实我想说的是要生二胎真的要考虑很多方面。特别不要让大宝觉得从前所有给自己的爱现在要和人分半。同时也要有能力给足够多的安全感给到大宝。这样孩子的身体和心理才能健康的成长。
First of all, I'd like to say that this is some of my baby's experiences and some of my experiences, which can be considered as factors, but not for all children. Why do some children cry easily? This is largely because parents who grow up with their children or family members who have been in contact for a long time do not give their children enough sense of security. I remember my family Dabao seldom used to cry to attract adults' attention before he was 2.5 years old. I don't cry even when I fall down in front of adults. It's just as good to cry at most. Until my second treasure was born, when Dabao was about two and a half years old. Since the second treasure hasn't reached the full moon, Dabao's temperament has changed a little. As a mother, I always cling to her. Even if I was feeding her baby, she would lean close to her. She would not let me hold her baby when she cried, but she would hold her father's hand and let him go back to bed. When I sleep, I will never sleep with anyone. I want to follow me. I only sleep with my left and right hands. When I wake up in the middle of the night to nurse, I also need to sit and touch her hand or head with my hand to sleep peacefully, otherwise she will sit up and cry. The two treasures are worn out by one person. Sometimes I can't care about it. At that time, if not, I will cry for Dabao, or Xiaobao, or both of them. I can only carry the small one on my back and the big one in my hand as a way to pacify the two treasures. I can't say anything tender. Maybe Dabao can't accept his mother's love for a while and let his brother go half way, so he always tries to attract his mother's attention.