2020-05-26 本文已影响0人
“长亭外,古道边,芳草碧连天”,又是一年毕业季。师生缘分一场,朝夕相处三载,唠叨了那么多,不知道记住了多少?这最后的唠叨,只想告诉孩子们:Education doesn't stop the day you graduate. It's just the beginning. 教育,绝不是在你毕业的时候戛然而止。相反,一切才刚刚开始。
My dear Yuming,
I would like to say you are my favorite student. You are kind,activeactive and full of positive energy. Maybe you will be famous or rich in the future. Everything is possible. But the most important thing for today is to try your best, right? If you try your best, you can be anything you want. Diligence is the mother of success. I wish you always have this mother by your side !
Deng Zhiping