Tips of C++11 std::move与完美转发std:
2019-03-22 本文已影响0人
C++11 std::move 和 std::forward 用法:
当知道类型时, 用 std::move得到一个右值.
当需要推导类型时, 用 std::forward来完美转发, 则可能得到一个左值或右值.
对已知类型使用完美转发std::forward 可能会阻止编译器的优化, 并有可能引起不必要的麻烦或者不期望的结果.
当使用std::move时, 尽量在函数或者逻辑的最后使用它, 避免出现空值,或者得不到自己期望的值.
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
int main()
std::string str = "Hello";
std::vector<std::string> v;
// uses the push_back(const T&) overload, which means
// we'll incur the cost of copying str
std::cout << "After copy, str is \"" << str << "\"\n";
// uses the rvalue reference push_back(T&&) overload,
// which means no strings will be copied; instead, the contents
// of str will be moved into the vector. This is less
// expensive, but also means str might now be empty.
std::cout << "After move, str is \"" << str << "\"\n";
std::cout << "The contents of the vector are \"" << v[0]
<< "\", \"" << v[1] << "\"\n";
Possible output:(可能结果)
After copy, str is "Hello"
After move, str is ""
The contents of the vector are "Hello", "Hello"
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
struct A {
A(int&& n) { std::cout << "rvalue overload, n=" << n << "\n"; }
A(int& n) { std::cout << "lvalue overload, n=" << n << "\n"; }
class B {
template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
B(T1&& t1, T2&& t2, T3&& t3) :
A a1_, a2_, a3_;
template<class T, class U>
std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique1(U&& u)
return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<U>(u)));
template<class T, class... U>
std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique2(U&&... u)
return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<U>(u)...));
int main()
auto p1 = make_unique1<A>(2); // rvalue
int i = 1;
auto p2 = make_unique1<A>(i); // lvalue
std::cout << "B\n";
auto t = make_unique2<B>(2, i, 3);
rvalue overload, n=2
lvalue overload, n=1
rvalue overload, n=2
lvalue overload, n=1
rvalue overload, n=3