
2018-01-21  本文已影响0人  木子柚柚




你住的巷子里 我租了一间公寓 为了想与你不期而遇

I rented a house in the block you lived in

,waiting for our encounter.

高中三年 我为什么 为什么不好好读书 没考上跟你一样的大学

Three years in high school, why didn't I study a bit harder for going to the the same college as yours?

我找了份工作 离你宿舍很近 当我开始学会做蛋饼 才发现你不吃早餐

I got a job,close to your dorm.I learned to cook omellete, only to find you didn't like it.

喔 你又擦肩而过

Just like that, you walked past me.

你耳机听什么 能不能告诉我

What songs were you listening to? I wonder.

躺在你学校的操场看星空 教室里的灯还亮着你没走

Lying on the ground, I was staring at the sky. With the light on, you must be in the classroom still.

记得 我写给你的情书

Do you remember the love letters I wrote to you?

都什么年代了 到现在我还在写着

What age is it that I'm still writing a love letter?

总有一天有一年会发现 有人默默的陪在你的身边

But some day, somehow you will find out, I was by your side, always.

也许 我不该在你的世界

Should I not be in your world?

当你收到情书 也代表我已经走远

When you get my letter, it means we are already far apart.

学校旁的广场 我在这等钟声响

At the square by the school, I was waiting for the bell to ring.


Waiting for you.

弹着琴 唱你爱的歌

Playing the guitar, I was singing your favorite song.

暗恋一点都不痛苦 一点都不痛苦 痛苦的是你 根本没看我

Having a crush on you wasn't bitter, not even a bit. What bittered me was you didn't notice me at all.

我唱这么走心 这么走心 却走不进你心里 进你心里

I sang with all my heart,all my heart.But I can't sing to your heart.

在人来人往 找寻着你 守护着你 不求结局People come and go, but I was right there, looking for you, protecting you.No matter how the story would end.

喔 你又擦肩而过,

Oh You walked past me,once again.


That was when I sang the song Confession Balloon and that was when you glanced back.


