2018-07-30 本文已影响23人
- As you know, the iPhone devices have different screen dimensions:
- For iPhone 5/5s/SE, the screen in portrait mode consists of 320 points (or 640 pixels) horizontally and 568 points (or 1136 pixels) vertically.
- For iPhone 6/6s/7/8, the screen consists of 375 points (or 750 pixels) horizontallyand 667 points (or 1334 pixels) vertically.
- For iPhone 6/6s/7/8 Plus, the screen consists of 414 points (or 1242 pixels) horizontally and 736 points (or 2208 pixels) vertically.
- For the brand-new iPhone X, the screen consists of 375 points (or 1125 pixels) horizontally and 812 points (or 2436 pixels) vertically.
- For iPhone 4s, the screen consists of 320 points (or 640 pixels) and 480 points (or 960 pixels).