2020-09-01 BBC NEWS
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been setting out阐述了 their vision 愿景for the United States in their first joint appearance 首次共同露面since he chose her as his Democratic Party 民主党running mate 竞选伙伴for November's election. Mr. Biden said he had no doubt he had picked the right person to help him rebuild the country. This report from Barbara Plett Usher.
Mr. Biden gave Kamala Harris a ringing (powerful and made with a lot of force)and deeply personal endorsement[ɪnˈdɔːsmənt]支持. He also took advantage of 利用the moment时机 to launch发起 a full-blown 全面的[bləʊn]indictment [ɪnˈdaɪtmənt] 指控of Donald Trump, criticizing批评 the president's handling of the pandemic and his record on race他在种族问题上做法提出了批评. Miss Harris took up the theme接过话锋, arguing that the election was a battle for the soul of the nation. She used her speech to introduce her own story as the child of civil rights activists, linking that to her legal career and building up to a political attack in the words of a former prosecutor前检察官的话. The case against Donald Trump and Mike Pence is open and shut.一目了然
Reports from Belarus say people have again turned out出现 in the capital Minsk to protest against Sunday's election results, which was widely viewed as rigged[rɪɡd]. But the numbers on the streets appeared to be smaller than on the previous [ˈpriːviəs] three nights. A BBC reporter in the city says there are reports of clashes [ˈklæʃɪz]冲突in several areas.
Brussels 布鲁塞尔has welcomed the decision by Washington not to increase the amount of goods subject to tariffs[ˈtærɪfs] as part of the Airbus, Boeing空客波音 subsidy 补贴[ˈsʌbsədi] dispute between the European Union欧盟 and the United States. Jonathan Josephs reports.
This row 这场争端has been going on 持续for more than a decade, with the US accusing[əˈkjuːzɪŋ] 指责European governments of giving unfair financial help to Airbus and European governments making the same accusation about the US and Boeing. Last year, Washington scored a victory 获得胜利at the World Trade Organization, which allowed it to impose(to force sb/sth to have to deal with sth that is difficult or unpleasant) tariffs on 7.5 billion dollars worth of stuff it buys购买的价值75亿美元 from across the Atlantic大西洋. The EU has welcomed the decision not to escalate [ˈeskəleɪt] 加剧the tensions. And both sides have renewed their commitment to finding a compromise折衷方案 to this economically damaging row争端. Jonathan Josephs reporting.
坚持到第三天了 还有几个句式和单词读音都不认识的,有点难哇,没关系,说明我真的有在进步了!