SmallRuralDog/electron-vue-music stars:376 forks:59
项目描述:基于 electron-vue 开发的音乐播放器,界面模仿QQ音乐,技术栈electron-vue+vue+vuex+vue-router+element- UI。欢迎star
muwoo/vnode2canvas stars:176 forks:24
项目描述:Rendering virtual DOM into canvas based on Vue plugin
jser-club/vue-event-proxy stars:155 forks:10
项目描述:Let Vue.js support global events
Akryum/vue-cli-plugin-ssr stars:149 forks:7
项目描述::sparkles: Simple SSR plugin for Vue CLI
cferdinandi/reef stars:131 forks:1
项目描述: A simple, lightweight alternative to React, Vue, and other bloated frameworks.
galvez/nuxpress stars:86 forks:1
项目描述:A Nuxt-based blogging engine and boilerplate
lmiller1990/vue-testing-handbook stars:84 forks:20
项目描述:A guide on testing Vue components and applications
sunil-sandhu/react-todo stars:69 forks:42
项目描述:A simple React ToDo app created as a comparison piece for a React vs Vue article I posted at https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english
zh-rocco/vue-auto-storage stars:68 forks:4
项目描述::beers: An automatic storage plugin for Vue2, persist the data with localStorage.
abdullah/vuex-module-generator stars:64 forks:1
ktsn/vue-cli-plugin-auto-routing stars:54 forks:2
项目描述:Automatically resolve pages and layouts routing
po3rin/vue-golang-payment-app stars:46 forks:7
项目描述:This project is Payment Micro service using Pay.jp with Golang + gRPC. I made Frontend SPA using Vue.js
e2o/vue-element-query stars:44 forks:2
项目描述: VueJS mixin plugin for creating element size queries in components
SaraVieira/should-i-use-react-or-vue stars:37 forks:8
项目描述:Play to find out
imyelo/pokequest-wiki stars:34 forks:0
项目描述::closed_book: Pokémon Quest Dex designed for Web / 方可梦图鉴
David-Desmaisons/vue-cli-plugin-component stars:27 forks:3
项目描述:🛠️ vue-cli 3 plugin to create component
yongboo/webpack4-vue2-multiPage stars:24 forks:3
项目描述:基于 webpack4 搭建 vue2 vuex 多页应用
potato4d/nuxt-client-init-module stars:20 forks:1
项目描述:Provide client version of nuxtServerInit
one-dragon/webpack4-vue stars:17 forks:6
项目描述:webpack4 + Vue2全家桶搭建的多页面或单页面应用 PC用的element-ui2