
2019-05-17  本文已影响0人  壹佰文化


美洲的命名,普遍的说法是为纪念意大利的一位名叫阿美利哥·维斯普西(Amerigo Vespucci)的著名航海家。意大利的商人和制图师,探索了南美洲的东海岸和加勒比海地区,他最早意识到哥伦布发现的“印度”是一块新的大陆并绘制了新大陆的地图。他的名字用拉丁文写就是:Americus Vespucius。因为其他大陆用的名字都是女性化的拉丁语。所以,Americus就变成了女性化的拉丁语:America。

The naming of the Americas was done in honor of the famous Italian navigator, merchant and cartographer, Amerigo Vespucci. He explored the east coast of South America and the Caribbean.He realized that when Columbus“discovered India”that is was actually a new continent,and proceeded to make maps of the New World.His name is written in Latin as Americus Vespucius.The other continents had feminine Latin names,So Americus was changed to its feminine Latin form:America




The Oriental Republic of Uruguay is located in the southeast of South America. It borders Brazil to the north and east, Argentina to the west and the Atlantic ocean to the southeast. It is known as the "South American Switzerland" because of its temperate climate, beautiful natural scenery and stable social environment. It is also known as the“Diamond Country”because it is shaped like a gem and is rich in purple amethysts. Uruguay is an immigrant country with 91.0% Caucasian, mostly descendants of immigrants from Italy, Spain, Germany and other European countries. Indo-European mixed races accounted for 4.9% and blacks for 4%.The most common religion is Catholicism, the official language is Spanish and the capital is Montevideo.


To us Uruguay looks like the whole country is situated in a green soccer field. If you read the news there, half of it is related to football. It's no wonder that Marama and Rombai, two Uruguayan bands who were reportedly performing live at Messi's wedding, have brought more fans, or Messi fans, outside of the Spanish-speaking world closer to Uruguay's music.

乌拉圭足球队 Marama乐队




The name The Dominican Republic means "Sunday, the day of rest". It is said that Columbus arrived here on a Sunday in the late 15th century. It is located in the east of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, west of Haiti, south of the Caribbean sea, and north of the Atlantic ocean. The capital is Santo Domingo.


It has a fascinating history, and a wealth of exciting cultural experiences to offer. These include cigars, rum, chocolate, coffee, merengue, amber and larimar stones, and numerous museums, just to name a few.



提起这两个美洲国家,是因为这两个国家的代表团分别在去年2月由深圳市贸促会 (现场&嘉宾们照片)

We mention these two countries from the Americas, because they sent delegations in February (Conference Hall and Guest Photos)


and June of last year to visit Shenzhen. The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade(CCPIT) and Shenzhen Municipal People's Government welcomed them. The meeting was undertaken by the Shenzhen CCPIT and the Dominican Embassy. More than 200 people participated in the event that included the meeting of Shenzhen leadership, the Dominican Republic’s political and economic delegations, the Shenzhen Municipal Government Unit representatives, entrepreneurs, and media outlets.(Conference Hall and Guest Photos)

而近日,又一个美洲国家哥斯达黎加共和国(西班牙语:La República de Costa Rica),简称哥斯达黎加。这个世界上第一个不设军队的国家,由阿拉胡埃拉省奥罗蒂娜市市长Margot Montero Jimenez带队的访华团,在深圳进行了投资环境推介会。

Another country from the Americas, the Republic of Costa Rica (La Republica DE Costa Rica) conducted an investment environment promotion session in Shenzhen. The delegation was led by Margot Montero Jimenez, the Mayor of Orotina, Alajuela province. They are the first country in the world to not have an army,


Costa Rica means "rich ocean" in Spanish. Tourism is one of the main sources of Costa Rica's foreign exchange income. Since the 1990s tourism has become Colombia's most dynamic industry. Tourist attractions include ilasu, boas volcano and Spanish colonial cultural sites.


Although still an agricultural country, it has achieved a relatively high standard of living, widespread expansion of land ownership, and a booming tourism industry.




These countries are among the major economies in Latin America. To fully implement the One Belt And One Road initiative, promote trade and investment exchanges between China, especially the municipal business community, and these countries we must tap the potential of trade, optimize the trade structure, promote industrial cooperation and economic trade development between the two sides, increase production capacity cooperation, and expand two-way investment. Shenzhen has always been at the forefront of opening up and development, and has become synonymous with investment and future development.







YiBai International Cultural Exchange Co.,Ltd




摄影:YiBai Team




