
English 4/5 - Writing

2017-04-05  本文已影响0人  鸢尾爱玛

今天我和大家聊聊怎样写英文邮件。写一封简短明了的邮件,尤其在办公室,会让你在同事中闪闪发光,你的老板也会对你赞赏有加。写英语邮件的大忌是“拎不清”,就是写了半天,看的人都不知道你要说什么, 所以在邮件的开始就要“表白”(呵呵)写邮件的意图。下面是我总结的一个checklist,小伙伴们可以参考一下。

Picture from Google, Copyright @Quickbase.com

1. Make that subject line clear

Example: Your requested information/Preliminary schedule for the conference/Agenda for next week's meeting

2. Attach documents that are relevant (and don't forget to attach!)

Example: "Please find attached…"; "you'll find the report attached"

4. Clearly state your purpose at the beginning of your email

Example: "I'm writing to let you know that…."

5.Keep email short and easy to read (do spelling check before sent)

6. Use simple language

In general, it is better to use simpler language to go with the shorter sentences and avoid words like "henceforth", 'acknowledge receipt of", or “in the event of".

7. Don't  SHOUT

Writing in capital letters IS LIKE SHOUTING in email language. The best way to emphasize any particular piece of information is by making it bold.

8. Use abbreviations sparingly

Rule of thumb: only use those that are very common in Business English, like ASAP or FYI.

9. Close the email with complete contact info

Example: End your email with "Best regards, Sincerely, etc., and add a complete email signature that includes phone, email or other relevant contact info. It will give your emails a more professional touch.

10. Proof read before you hit "Send"!

**Inspired by "BusyTeacher.org", re-written by Lishuang**

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