豹豹与你一起读纳尼亚–The Lion,the Witch an
这一章讲的是Great Lion---Aslan又复活的场景。两个小姑娘伤心的场景很打动人心。
本章的标题很有味道,the dawn of time是指开天辟地,比起更早的时候译文是太古时代。有一种深厚的古老感。
they heard the voice of the Witch calling out,...(heard the witch calling out...)
call out 唤起,出动
hear sb. do强调听见了整个过程,属于一种回忆性质。
hear sb. doing 强调当时正在进行的动作,有一种现场即时感,更生动。
同种用法还有see,例如上一章中出现的they saw the Lion slowly walking away from them into the wood. Without a word they both followed him.
以及本章下文中出现的but still they could see the shape of the Lion lying dead in his bonds.
Now! Follow me all and we will set about what remains of this war!
set about sth. (固定搭配)着手做......
...and overhead there went a flurry of foul wings and a blackness of vultures and giant bats.
And then they looked at each other and held each other’s hands for mere loneliness and cried again;
mere作为形容词其实有两个意思(参考牛津词典)一个是“仅仅”,used when you want to emphasize how small, unimportant,etc. sb./sth. is
另一个意思“只凭”used when you are saying that the fact that a particular thing is present in a situation is enough to have an influence on that situation.
But the enemies, out of pure spitefulness, had drawn the cords so tight that the girls could make nothing of the knots.(can make nothing of sth. 对......无能为力)
I can’t bear to look at that horrible muzzle.
bear表承受时,可用can bear to do,这件事还没做。bear doing已经做过,是忍受这件事情。(或承担这件事情)
I hope no one who reads this book has been quite as miserable as Susan and Lucy were that night;(who引导定从,先行词no one)
if you’ve been up all night and cried till you have no more tears left in you—you will know that there comes in the end a sort of quietness. You feel as if nothing was ever going to happen again.
as +adj/adv +as表示“和…一样”,是一个同级的比较。
“How beastly! There are horrid little mice crawling over him. Go away, you little beasts.”
这里面是一群田鼠(field mice)咬断了阿斯兰的绳索,无独有偶,在绿野仙踪中,昏迷在花丛中胆小的狮子也是被一群田鼠们救出来的。
Then they told him of the field-mice, and how they had generously saved him from death; and the Cowardly Lion laughed, and said,...
The sky in the east was whitish by now and the stars were getting fainter
The saucepan was full of a thick gooey purplish treacle, boiling and bubbling. (查理和巧克力)
His skin was reddish-brown. (好心眼巨人)
In the wood behind them a bird gave a chuckling sound (很生动). It had been so still for hours and hours that it startled them. Then another bird answered it. Soon there were birds singing allover the place.
a bird suddenly chirped from the branch of a tree. It was answered by the chuckle of another bird a little further off.
startle v.使惊吓
在新概念三中有这样一个句子One night, however, our vicar woke up with a start: the clock was striking the hours!
with a start 固定短语,start ---n.,“突然一惊;吓一跳”。
The sky began to turn red. They walked to and fro more times than they could count between the dead Aslan and the eastern ridge, trying to keep warm;
to and fro固定词组,来来回回,相当于adv.
to and from 后面要加一个宾语,一般是地点
..., peering at the little speck of a boy who was now running to and fro across the palm of her hand, waving his pistols in the air.(出自查理和巧克力)
“You’re not—not a—?” asked Susan in a shaky voice. She couldn’t bring herself to say the word ghost.
bring oneself to do 强迫自己做某事
ghost是比较常见的词,比如《坎特维尔的幽灵》就是The Canterville Ghost
eg.His friends did not want to let Hamlet follow the ghost because they thought it might be an evil spirit and do something bad to him.
...so that all three of them rolled over together in a happy laughing heap of fur and arms and legs.
这是阿斯兰为了让两个女孩开心和她们玩捉猫猫游戏,这一句很鲜活,写出了such a romp的场面感,能够想象在漫画中出现过的感觉。“弄得三个嘻嘻哈哈,一团,只见到一堆的皮毛啊,arms和legs”(若有时中英在一起,是为了避免锁文,望理解)
He rushes on and on, never missing his footing, never hesitating, threading his way with perfect skill between tree trunks, jumping over bush and briar and the smaller streams, wading the larger, swimming the largest of all.
另外rush, hesitate,thread,jump,wade,swim这些一连串的动词使得阿斯兰的行进动作相当流畅,并且很有动感美。