

2019-02-27  本文已影响2人  大汪小喵

2月25日The Washington Post 出新闻,标题是“Trump is the best thing since sliced bread. And he invented sliced bread!”,由于该评论文章抓人眼球的题目以及独有风味的“政绩总结”,很快就登上了The Washington Post之热搜榜,整片文章充满着浓郁的嘲讽感,让人读时不禁啧啧感慨时事又啧啧称赞作者之妙。让我们来学习一下其中的一些“政绩”吧。



1. “your favorite president,me!” 你们最爱的总统----我!

新闻原句:“We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th. It will be called ‘A Salute To America’ and will be held at the Lincoln Memorial. Major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite president, me!”



2.  build the U.S. military into the most powerful on Earth 将美国军事力量打造成为了世界上最强的国家

新闻原句:He took credit for building the U.S. military into the most powerful on Earth (previous rank: No. 1) and for a $12 billion drop in the U.S. debt after his first month in office. (It has since grown by $2 trillion.)


说说:take credit 居功;trillion 万亿

3.  “safest year on record” in aviation 有航空记录以来最安全的一年

新闻原句:He gave himself props for the “safest year on record” in aviation in 2017, even though no U.S. airline had had a fatality since 2009.


说说:give himself props 给他自己支持;fatality [fə'tælɪtɪ; feɪ-] 空难

4.  Dow Jones is up 道琼斯指数上涨

新闻原句:“Since my election as president the Dow Jones is up 43%,” Trump tweeted Monday morning, nearly 10 years into a bull market that grew some 150 percent under Trump’s predecessor. But when stocks plunged in December, Trump blamed the Federal Reserve. ”


说说:tweet 推特;bull market 牛市;predecessor ['priːdɪsesə] n.前任;plunge [plʌn(d)ʒ] v.下跌

5. a “terrific” new trade deal 最佳新的商贸协定

新闻原句:Trump took credit for a “terrific” new trade deal with Canada and Mexico that is largely the same as the previous pact, which he called “the worst.”


6. sliced bread 切片面包

新闻原句:And that wall is the greatest thing since sliced bread — which, it so happens, Trump also invented.




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