

2019-01-06  本文已影响122人  徐林Grace
如果我们的快乐健康平衡被外界决定,你就太扯啦!-创业一起high 194

昨天一直在纠结博士论文literature review写作,真的不容易,因为看太多文章,容易迷失,而且发现回国后4年半,习惯了看中文,一看英文就容易走神,碎片化时间所有信息都是一掠而过,而看长篇论文就需要非常专注,这个是大挑战,即使长期瑜伽冥想对专注有帮助,现在发现也不够用,所以我一推再推没法成文,突然发现所有和DBA不相关的事都变得有意思多了,宁肯看很多其他“无用”书,推文,电影,音乐也不肯踏踏实实写文献评论,衰也!


如果我们的快乐健康平衡被外界决定,你就太扯啦!-创业一起high 194








如果我们的快乐健康平衡被外界决定,你就太扯啦!-创业一起high 194 如果我们的快乐健康平衡被外界决定,你就太扯啦!-创业一起high 194


Definition of wellbeing

Suranyi-Unger (1981)Expressed in physical and biological terms;

viewed as a state of happiness; criteria as income and wealth, social position, the Maslowian hierarchy of accomplishments, personal power, spiritual or ideological achievement

Suranyi-Unger 以物理和生物术语来定义;视为一种幸福的状态;收入和财富、社会地位、马斯洛的成就等级、个人权力、精神或意识形态成就等标准;我认为他归纳比较全,但他把wellbeing作为一个中性状态而不是一种理想状态,很多都是物质衡量和决定wellbeing,非常现实,不是我的菜!

如果我们的快乐健康平衡被外界决定,你就太扯啦!-创业一起high 194 如果我们的快乐健康平衡被外界决定,你就太扯啦!-创业一起high 194

Garfinkel and Haveman (1977) and Weisbrod and Hansen (1977)resource-related definition

Garfinkel and Haveman用资源来定义,那就意味着我们有多少可以获得的资源就决定了我们的wellbeing状体啊,如果我们是皇室后裔,我们肯定活得更好,如果我们生在索马里,没有啥wellbeing可言。那我们生在中国,是不是富二代对wellbeing就很至关重要,我严重不同意,其实索马里难民虽然开起来很悲催,但我们都是想象他们人生一直很悲惨,我们并不知道他们也许看到美丽无污染的朝阳,那一刻快乐比我们每天雾霾天要强烈;我们不知道一个人的适应性有多么强大,查尔斯王子知道自己一生都衣食无缺的时候就开始担心啥时继承王位,娶到diana王妃就开始想如何劈腿(也许,不确认),中国很多富二代很不快乐不成器,很多穷人家孩子享受家庭的爱更真切,所以一切都无法以资源绝对衡量.............我发现自己这里评价很多,也许起于现实中我不是富二代和王室成员?也许基于给予每个人平等机会都有权利和可能获得wellbeing,也许就是实相!

如果我们的快乐健康平衡被外界决定,你就太扯啦!-创业一起high 194

Fergusson et al. (1981), Lipshitz (1987), Magrabi (1987), Magrabi et al. (1991), Marlowe and Godwin (1988), Monroe (1937), Onn (1989), Squire (1991), and Thomas (1990)consumption-related definition includes health (Magrabi et al., 1991; Squire, 1991), nutrient intake (Thomas, 1990), health practices (Onn, 1989), durables (Lipshitz, 1987), fertility rate (Onn, 1989), public goods and services (Onn, 1989), educational achievement (Lipshitz, 1987; Onn, 1989; Squire, 1991), and economizing behavior (Fergusson et al., 1981).

Squire (1991) defined well-being as a product of many factors including adequate consumption of goods and services, health, status, achievement, and security. Magrabi (1987) stated that well-being describes a desired state of affairs, the state of being well, happy, and prosperous.

还有很多专家论点是与消费有关的,包括健康 ,营养摄入, 健康意识和提升, 耐用品, 生育率 , 公共产品和服务 , 教育成就,和经济行为 。有的将wellbeing定义为许多因素的产物, 包括商品和服务的适当消费、健康、状况、成就和安全。有的 说, wellbeing描述了一种理想的状态, 一种健康、幸福和繁荣的状态。


如果我们的快乐健康平衡被外界决定,你就太扯啦!-创业一起high 194

Headey et al. (1985), Michalos (1983), and Wilkening and McGranahan (1978). how satisfaction within a dozen domains of life contributes to global satisfaction and happiness with life as a whole. The twelve domains studied were health, finances, family, job, friends, housing, area of residence, recreation, religion, self-esteem, transportation, and government services in terms of happiness with life as a whole; Michalos (1983) states satisfaction with, and happiness in, life as a whole, which, of course, could be inferred from satisfaction with various specific domains of life, such as health, housing, and family life.

以上几个专家定义是对整个生活的满意和幸福,所研究的12个领域是健康、财政、家庭、工作、朋友、住房、居住地区、娱乐、宗教、自尊、交通以及提供整个生活幸福方面的政府服务; 这里说的很具体,我们可以看到幸福指数很高的丹麦,就很符合这12项指标,一切都是自由和高福利的典范,丹麦还有很多人对于曾将出现的2005年讽刺伊斯兰教先知穆罕默德的12幅漫画引起的系列争议及政治事件有不同意见,基于多年为丹麦科汉森工作和现在合作,我很理解北欧人对自由言论的看重性。另一个典范就是瑞士,也是一个高度自主自由的高福利国家,但是........抑郁症和青少年自杀率相对于国家幸福指数来讲高一些,所以是否这12项指标就可以代表wellbeing指数?

如果我们的快乐健康平衡被外界决定,你就太扯啦!-创业一起high 194

Ellis (1984)provided a model that considered the nature of well-being by examining its "causal basis". "Causal basis" refers to conditions the act as a barrier between people and the goals important to them. The basic idea is that the causal level determines the well-being of a group of people.

Ellis提供了一个模型, 通过考核wellbeing的 "因果基础" 来考虑它的程度。"因果基础" 是指作为人与人达成重要目标的条件。因果水平决定了一个群体的wellbeing。这个很有意思,就是说如果你的期望值很高而你达到期望值条件具备,你就有可能很幸福,但如果不具备这种条件或者可能性就很悲催;这个很好理解,美国曾经二战后提供的氛围是任何人都可以通过奋斗改变命运,世界渴望成功的人都像美国涌去,因为有这种可能性;我认为中国创业某种程度上也是类似情况,虽然路上病了死了不少人,但全民涌动的时候渴望幸福快乐指数还是高的;今天就不好说了,美国也没有可能成就很多贫民百姓,财富在集中,但是否wellbeing也就没戏了?有戏,且听我下文分解。

Ryff (1989)comprises of the following dimensions: “positive relationship, environmental mastery, self-acceptance, autonomy, personal growth and purpose in life”

Ryff包括以下几个方面: "积极的关系、环境掌握、自我接受、自主、个人成长和人生意义";这个很靠谱,尤其环境掌握,我们不管自我欺骗还是真实也罢,如果认为自己掌控自己人生和环境,幸福指数飙升;之后是自主性,很多人认为自己不适合给别人打工要的就是自主性,而且实现后发现可以养家,幸福指数一段时间可以很高,当然会有很多其他副产品,啥没有呢?按顺序,就是自我成长和实现,之后会考虑每个人面对哲学问题:我是谁,从哪里来,到哪里去?

如果我们的快乐健康平衡被外界决定,你就太扯啦!-创业一起high 194

Diener (1984)

Diener (1984) has used the term “subjective well-being” to describe a person’s overall experience in life and suggested that it essentially reflects a person’s self-described happiness. Diener also explained the dynamics surrounding the measurement of subjective well-being. First, well-being has been defined by external criteria as some “ideal condition” that differs across cultures. Second, subjective well-being has been labeled as life satisfaction because in attempts to determine what leads to the positive evaluation of life, researchers have discovered that this subjective form of happiness is a global assessment of the quality of one’s life guided by a person’s own set of criteria. Third, the meaning of happiness is used to denote a preponderance of positive affect (e.g., being energetic, excited, and enthused) over negative affect (e.g., anger, disgust, guilt, depression) (Tellegen, 1982), and this is how happiness is generally used. ….. and, well-being tends to be a broader and encompassing concept that takes into consideration the “whole person.” Beyond specific physical and/or psycho-logical symptoms or diagnoses related to health, therefore, well-being should be used as appropriate to include context-free measures of life experiences (e.g., life satisfaction, happiness), and within the organizational research realm to include both generalized job-related experiences (e.g., job satisfaction, job attachment), as well as more facet-specific dimensions (e.g., satisfaction with pay or co-workers). concluded that subjective well-being essentially stresses pleasant emotional experience.

"主观幸福感" 一词反映一个人自我认为的幸福,包含理想条件,生活满意度,正面战胜负面的更多机率,是一个更广泛和包罗万象的概念, 考虑到 "整个人",本质上强调愉快的情感体验。这个和我心目中wellbeing较为接近,尤其它考虑到负面事物和情绪一直存在,重要的是如何面对接受和战胜。

Avramchuk, AndreThe concept of well-being in the workplace integrates the following universal work and job-related concerns: satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the job, the pay, the boss, coworkers, promotion opportunities, engagement and interest in assigned tasks, work environment, and employee general health.

A强调了工作场所商业环境下的wellbeing,整合了与工作有关的问题: 对工作、薪酬、老板、同事、晋升机会、参与和对分配的任务、工作的兴趣,满意, 以及员工的总体健康状况;只能说作为一个人,如果工作中这么多影响你wellbeing的条件,你不快乐的几率100%。

Ward, Rosie. Adhesives & Sealants Industry.According to recent research from the Gallup Organization, well-being is made up of five essential elements:

• Career: how one occupies their time or likes what they do every day.

• Social: having strong relationships and love in one’s life.

• Financial: effectively managing one’s economic life.

• Physical: having good health and enough energy to accomplish things each day.

• Community: having a sense of engagement with the area in which one lives.

根据Gallup组织最近的研究, wellbeing由五个基本要素组成: 职业: 一个人如何占用自己的时间或喜欢他们每天所做的事情。社交: 在一个人的生活中拥有牢固的关系和爱。财务: 有效管理自己的经济生活。身体: 每天有足够的健康和足够的精力去完成事情。社区: 与自己居住的地区有链接和投入。


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