看美剧练口语 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E06
待办:实践较少,需要进行一轮复习回顾。 今天事情多时间有限,未进行回顾及同步配音练习,暂更Season1 Episode6 Part1 Scene1~3 begin.
Scene 1 Phil & Claire
- It's due today. 今天就得交了。
-due /djuː/ /du/ 注意英美音区别。adj. 到期的;预期的;应付的;应得的;n. 应付款;应得之物;adv. 正(置于方位词前)。due to 是…的结果,由于…。in due course 在适当的时候。 - From the minute we get up at 7:00 从我俩7点起床的那一刻开始。
-from the minute that sb. do sth. 在某人做某事的那一刻起。
- I thought we had a raccoon. 我还以为是浣熊进来了呢。
-raccoon 浣熊。
-had 遭受某事undergo.
Okay, your brother's lunch is packed. 你弟弟的午餐装好了
You're buying your own lunch. 你的午餐自己买
Luke, Alex, come on. Let's go. 卢克 艾丽克斯 快点 出发了
There he is. Last chance for the summer handshake. 他来了 最后一次夏日握手
Dad. 老爸
Come on. We're only halfway done. 继续啊 我们只做了一半
I need help. 我需要帮忙
I was supposed to keep a journal all summer. It's due today. 我本来该写暑假日记的 今天就得交了
Wow, first day of school and you're already behind? 开学第一天就落后了
I'm dead. 我死定了
All right. Tell me how far you've gotten. 好吧 说说看你还差多少
Okay. 好吧
"June 21. Found a stick." "6月21日 找到一根棍子"
"June 22." That's it. "6月22日" 没了
-That's it? -It was a really cool stick. -没了 -那棍子真的很赞
He's right. It looked like a snake. 他说的没错 长得就跟蛇一样
Getting everybody out of the house in the morning 每天早上送大家出门
can be really tough, 可不是件省心的事
especially the first day of school. 尤其是开学第一天
From the minute we get up at 7:00 从我俩7点起床的那一刻开始
till we drop 'em off at school, it is go, go, go. 到把他们送进学校 就没一刻休息过
I get up at 6:00. 我6点就起来了
I get up at 5:00. 我还5点起床呢
Seriously. I get up at 6:00. 说真的 我6点就起了
That's you? I thought we had a raccoon. 原来是你啊 我还以为是浣熊进来了呢
Scene 2 Jay & Gloria
- Let's get going. 出发了。动起来。
- I'm proud of my heritage. 我对我的传统自豪。
-heritage 常见意思为遗产,这里是传统的意思。
- Mi niño pequeño. 我的小宝贝。
- lindo/da adj. 帅气的,漂亮的, 美丽的。
I can't believe my little boy is going into the fifth grade. 真不敢相信我的宝贝都上5年级了
He used to hold my finger with his little hand 我还记得他用小手紧握着我手指
and look at me with those big eyes. 一双大眼望着我的样子呢
Mi niño pequeño, Jay. 那是我的小宝贝啊 杰
Yup, they grow up. 是啊 孩子总会长大
Come on, Manny. Let's get going. 快点 曼尼 出发了
How's my hair? 我的发型如何
Hold on. What are you wearing there? 等等 你穿的是个什么玩意儿
That looks like an old Christmas tree skirt. 跟圣诞树罩子一样
It's a traditional Colombian poncho. 这是一件传统的哥伦比亚斗篷
I want my new classmates to know 我想让新同学知道
I'm proud of my heritage. 我对我的老祖先有多么自豪
I think you look very handsome. Lindo. 我觉得你帅呆了 小宝贝
Oh, really? Am I driving him to school 真的吗 是我载他去学校呢
or is he gonna ride his burro? 还是他自己骑驴去。
Scene 3 Mitchell & Cameron
- Clearly she's Diana Ross from the R.C.A. Years. 明明是黄金岁月时期的戴安娜·罗斯。
-clearly ad. 明明,很明显。
-the R.C.A. Years. 黄金岁月时期. - I made no such promises. 我可没这么说.
- I guess I'm somewhat of a shutterbug.我算得上是个摄影爱好者.
-shutterbug (US.)摄影爱好者.
-I guess I'm somewhat of a ... - That's embarrassing. 真是羞愧啊。
- Are you still baby-proofing? 你还在装那些幼儿防护设备吗?
-baby-proofing 幼儿防护设备,如防撞条等。 - Everything we own is pointy. 我们家到处都是尖角。
-pointy 尖角的。 - pop icon 流行偶像。
You are a cutie pie, yes, you are 你是个可爱派 没错 就是你
You are a cutie pie 你是个可爱派
Are you still baby-proofing? 你还在装那些幼儿防护设备吗
Everything we own is pointy. 我们家到处都是尖角
Why is our daughter dressed like Donna Summer? 我女儿怎么一身唐娜·莎曼的打扮
She is not Donna Summer. 她才不是唐娜·莎曼
Clearly she's Diana Ross from the R.C.A. Years. 明明是黄金岁月时期的戴安娜·罗斯
How is daddy not seeing that? 你说爹地怎么没看出来呢
I really thought you were done with this. 我还以为你已经玩腻了呢
I made no such promises. 我可没这么说
-I guess I'm somewhat of a shutterbug. -Yes. -我算得上是个摄影爱好者 -对
And my new favorite model, of course, is Lily. 我的模特新宠嘛 当然就是莉莉了
I just completed a series of photographs 我刚刚替莉莉拍完一整套
of her dressed as various pop icons. 流行偶像模仿写真照
Let's see. 比如说
I've done Olivia Newton-John. 我们拍模仿过奧莉维亚·纽顿·约翰
I've done Madonna, the early years, 和出道早期的麦当娜
Stevie Wonder- 史提夫·汪达
Yeah, there are days when Lily has more costume changes than Cher. 对 有时候莉莉换衣服比雪儿还勤
Cher! How could I forget Cher? 雪儿 我怎么把她给忘了
That's embarrassing. 真是羞愧啊
That's embarrassing? 你只为这个羞愧吗