Guru Weekly

Guru Weekly 第六期

2015-12-15  本文已影响16人  推酷

推酷诚意满满的英文技术周刊《Guru Weekly》, 下面是内容列表,干货多多,也可以移步到官网进一步阅读


  1. Hacker-Friendly Search Engine that Lists Every Internet-Connected Device

  2. ZeroDB, An End-To-End Encrypted Database, Is Now Open Source

  3. Microsoft Open-Sources Its Edge Javascript Engine

  4. NUnit 3 Brings Extensibility and Parallel Execution: Interview with Charlie Poole


  1. Responsive Web Design: Some Tips And Tricks

  2. 50 Cool Responsive HTML Templates & CSS Templates

  3. ES7 Proposal: The Pipeline Operator

  4. Bootstrap 4 CSS Tutorial (Part 2)

  5. Chrome Dev Summit 2015 Notes

  6. Does taking a callback make a function asynchronous?

  7. CSS3 is not proven to be turing complete


  1. The Definitive Guide to Ruby Heap Dumps, Part II

  2. Error handling in RxJava

  3. Single Responsibility Principle: A Recipe for Great Code

  4. Ruby Web Applications Without Rails

  5. Modern C++ Features – override and final

  6. Refactoring Code to Load a Document

  7. Concurrency in Golang


  1. Improvements in Gradle for Android

  2. One tap sign-up and automatic sign-in without password entry using Smart Lock

  3. Introducing the Android Feast!

  4. InstaMaterial - RecyclerView animations done right (thanks Android Dev Summit!)

  5. Abusing Android ClipData

  6. Issue #183


  1. CommonCrypto in Swift

  2. UISearchController Tutorial: Getting Started

  3. watchOS 2 Hello World App in Swift

  4. When (not) to use guard


  1. High Quality Video Encoding at Scale

  2. Getting more complicated with python and apache flink


  1. MySQL is a Better NoSQL

  2. Real-Time Applications With RethinkDB

  3. Deprecating the mysql_config –libs_r option

  4. One Dimensional Clustering in Postgres


  1. Survey of popular Node.js packages reveals credential leaks

  2. HTTP/2 For Web Developers

  3. Virtualizing APIs with Go and Python

  4. Awesome Angular Projects to Win a Hackathon

  5. Challenges of Memory Management on Modern NUMA System

  6. Image Recognition

  7. Local Binary Patterns with Python & OpenCV


  1. Let’s Encrypt for Node.js

  2. Apktool – A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files

  3. MaterialKit:用Swift写的Material Design框架

  4. Pybind11 – Seamless operability between C++11 and Python

  5. PHP Streams Library


  1. React/JSX Style Guide

  2. Learn to Code HTML & CSS

  3. 2015's Top JavaScript Devs To Follow

  4. 50 CSS Tools, Frameworks & Libraries from 2015

  5. Swifty – Learn to code in Swift

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