CET4-2015.12-A Translation

2017-02-26  本文已影响0人  SetsunaChiya

Keywords: 中国家庭教育


Chinese parents usually pay so much attention to kids' study that they refuse kids to help housework.
Chinese parents tend to be overly concerned with their children's study, so that they won't let them help to do any housework.

往往:often, tend to
过于关注:be overly concerned with
以至于:so that,目前出现的几篇参考译文中出现so that句式的,原文都用了这个很典型的“以至于”
做家务:do housework

They first ask their children to work hard, get high marks and be able to study in a famous university, which in their eyes is good for kids.
Their primary requirement for their children is just to study hard, get high marks in exams and be able to enter a prestigious university.They believe that it is for the benefit of their children, ...

对…的首要要求:primary requirement for
名牌大学:a famous university, a prestigious university
为了孩子好:in their children's interests, for the benefit of their children

That's because only good marks can guarantee a delight future in China in which there is too much compete.
..., because only good grades can ensure that they have a promising future in such a society like China with fierce competition.

在中国这样竞争激烈的社会里:in such a society like China with fierce competition
确保:make sure that ..., ensure that ... guarantee能不能用待查
compete只有动词词性,competition 竞争
前途光明:have a promising future

Chinese parents also think themselves will be respected if their children reach great achievements in society.
Chinese parents also think that if children achieve great success in society, their parents will be respected by others.

取得大的成就:achieve great success,我的也不错?

As a result, they are willing to devote their own time, hobbies and interests to provide better things for children.
Therefore, they are willing to sacrifice their own time, hobbies and interests to create better conditions for their children.

愿意:be willing to do
提供更好的条件->创造更好的条件:create better conditions

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