Crash Course business note ep.1

business is not far from us
elevator pitch 电梯游说
management position 管理职能
what can these series help you?
hone these day-to-day business skills 磨炼日常商业技能
look for a job
get along with your co-workers
take your career to the next level
help you capitalize on your core competency 帮助你挖掘潜能
use what makes you special to really strut your stuff 利用你的特长大显身手
if we lack of trust
vulnerable 敏感的,容易受到伤害的

if you don't trust someone, it can create an imbalance of work 造成工作失衡
you might feel like you have to double-check everything they do 复查
that would make for a rough work environment

Three basic types of trust
cognitive, dispositional, and emotional
cognitive trust: for rational reasons 因为客观原因造成的信任
three basic elements (like a tripod)to help you build your cognitive trust:
- competence 胜任力:hone your skills,acknowledge your shortcomings , find ways to show your works
- intent 目的,意图
like-minded person(志同道合的人):your interests align with someone else's
passion - integrity 诚信:be consistent
talk the talk and walk the walk 言行一致
pick up an extra shift 加一次班
under-promising 不敢承诺
over-delivering 过分兑现
don't deliver half-baked work (work in process, WIP;半成品) or miss your ddl
dispostional trust: a person's baseline level of trust in others 倾向性信任,对他人的基本信任度
gleaming resume
great recommendation

trust depends on circumstance
competence mismatch: only trust you in one area, but not others
intent mismach: you might help someone in one way, but not others
idiosyncrasy credits
Thus, act professionally, protect your reputation, hold yourself as high standard, and think about how your actions will be perceived.