By now, you've probably seen headlines about Apple slowing down your iPhone, but it's not nearly as simple or corrupt as it sounds. In this Q&A, we've taken the time to explain exactly what's going on.
Why is Apple slowing down some older iPhone models?
为什么苹果降低一些老型号iPhone 的运行速度?
iPhones, like many other consumer electronics, are powered by lithium-ion batteries, which have a limited lifespan. As the battery in your iPhone ages, its ability to hold a charge slowly diminishes.
和其他消费类电子产品一样, iPhone 也是由锂离子电池进行供电,但是锂离子电池的生命周期是有限的。随着iPhone 的使用,电池的供电能力会缓慢下降。
A chemically aging battery can also have increased impedance, reducing its ability to provide a sudden burst of power when demanded by other components in an iPhone, such as the CPU and GPU. A battery's impedance will also temporarily increase when it has a low charge and/or in cold temperatures.
一个存在一定化学年龄的电池,其阻抗会逐渐增加,因此对应的快速为CPU 和G PU等其他部件提供电量的能力就会逐渐下降,同时,在低电量和低温环境下,电池的阻抗也会暂时增加。
A battery with a high enough impedance may be unable to provide power quickly enough to the iPhone when needed, and Apple safeguards components against the drop in voltage by shutting down the device.
高阻抗的电池不能迅速的为iPhone 提供所需的电量,在低电压环境下,保护对应的组件,iPhone将会自动关闭。
Apple recognized that iPhones unexpectedly shutting down on users is not a good experience, and starting with iOS 10.2.1, it quietly implemented a power management feature to prevent these shutdowns. The update was released in January 2017, and a month later, Apple said it saw a major reduction in shutdowns.
对于用户来说,突然的自动关机不是一个好的用户体验。 因此,在2017年的1月发布了10.2.1的固件,该固件配备了新的电源管理策略以阻止次类自动关机。 一个月后,苹果反馈自动关机现象明显下降。
How does Apple's power management feature work?
Apple says it looks at a combination of an iPhone's internal temperature, battery percentage, and battery impedance, and only if a certain criteria is met, iOS will dynamically manage the maximum performance of some system components, such as the CPU and GPU, in order to prevent unexpected shutdowns.
Does my iPhone have this feature if needed?
我的iPhone 是否有此功能?
Apple said the power management feature applies to iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and iPhone SE models running iOS 10.2.1 or any newer software version. The feature was also expanded to iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus models running iOS 11.2 or any newer software version.
运行iOS 10.2.1及更新版本的 iPhone6 , 6Plus,6s,6sPlus,SE 均配备了此功能。
运行iOS 11.2 及更新版本的iPhone7 ,7Plus也具备此功能。
Any older iPhone models are currently not affected, including the iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, iPhone 4, iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 3G, and the original iPhone, even though some of those models have also experienced shutdowns. The latest iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X are also currently not affected.
对于iPhone5s及以前的设备,即便出现了频繁关机的问题,也不再配备此功能。 iPhone 8, 8Plus, X 不受此影响。
How do I know if my iPhone is being slowed down?
如何知道我的iPhone 是否变慢?
There are a few different ways in which you can determine if your iPhone is being slowed down temporarily:
Benchmark your iPhone: Download the Geekbench 4 app from the App Store and benchmark your iPhone. Each CPU workload models a real-world task or application. If your iPhone has noticeably lower scores compared to the averages, it could be due to Apple's power management feature artificially kicking in.
Benchmark your iPhone: 下载Geekbench 4 ,并测试你的iPhone. 每一个CPU 负责一个真实的任务或者应用。如果你的iPhone 得分明显低于平均水平,很可能就是苹果的电源管理策略主动介入了。
Use coconutBattery: Download, install, and open coconutBattery for Mac, connect your iPhone to your Mac with a Lightning to USB cable, and click on the iOS Device tab in the app. Here, you can view your iPhone's battery capacity, which if low suggests your device may be slowed down only when necessary.
使用COCONUTBattery: 在Mac上下载安装 coconutBattery,然后用数据线连接你的电脑和手机,在手机上点击此APP,然后就可以看到如下图所示的信息。
- Wait for battery-related iOS update: Early in 2018, Apple has promised to release an iOS update with new features that give users more visibility into the health of their iPhone's battery, so they can see for themselves if its condition is affecting performance. This will likely be the easiest solution.
等待下一个版本的iOS 更新: 苹果将在2018年初,推送一个iOS更新,用户将可以看到电池的寿命信息,因此他们就可以自行看到是否影响了整体的性能。 这个将是最简单的解决方案。
Will the iPhone 8 and iPhone X eventually be affected?
iPhone 8, X最终也会受影响吗?
In a statement issued December 20, Apple said it "plans to add support for other products in the future," and by that definition, the iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X could eventually be affected.
苹果在12月20日的声明中表示: 将来将会支持到更多的设备。也就是说,最终 iPhone8 ,8Plus, X都将收到此功能的影响。
In a support article titled iPhone Battery and Performance, published December 28, Apple toned down that language a bit and simply said "we will continue improving our power management feature in the future," so it's unclear if the iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X may be eventually affected.
苹果在12月28日发布的 iPhone 电池和性能 中着重强调了:我们将不断改善我们的电源管理功能。
Apple expanded the feature to iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus models when iOS 11.2 was publicly released in December 2017, nearly one year after implementing the changes in the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and iPhone SE when iOS 10.2.1 was publicly released in January 2017.
2017年1月份,iOS 10.2.1发布时,针对iPhone6 到SE 之间的设备配备了此功能。差不多一年后,2017年的12月,iOS 11.2发布,为iPhone7, 7Plus也配备了此功能。
Is my iPhone slowed down all the time?
我的iPhone 会一直变慢吗?
Apple is not permanently or persistently slowing down older iPhones. Even if your iPhone is affected, the performance limitations only happen intermittently, when the device is completing demanding tasks.
当手机需要完成指定的任务时,有限的性能下降情况才会出现,苹果并没有永久地或者持续低降低iPhone 运行速度。
The power management only occurs in spurts, when needed, and ensures a smoother distribution of system tasks, rather than larger, quick spikes of performance all at once, which was the root cause of shutdowns.
A recent analysis of Geekbench 4 scores for iPhone 6s and iPhone 7 models running iOS 10.2, iOS 10.2.1, and iOS 11.2 visualized an apparent link between lower performance and aging batteries, but this is to be expected since iPhones are artificially pushed to their maximum performance in benchmark tests.
最近有一个关于搭载不同系统的6s ,7 的Geekbench 4得分的对比,可以明确性能与电池年龄之间的关系,但是这也是被测试最大性能时的表现得分。
How much is Apple slowing down my iPhone if and when it is?
Apple hasn't specified exactly how much it is slowing down older iPhones when necessary, but in extreme cases, it said users may notice effects such as longer app launch times, lower frame rates while scrolling, and slightly lower speaker volume. Cellular, GPS, and location services are always unaffected.
苹果并没有精确的说明运行速度下降的幅度,但是在极端情况下,用户可以注意到更长的APP启动时间,滑动时的低帧数,扬声器音量的下降。 移动网络功能,GPS,定位功能不会受影响。
An excerpt from Apple's iPhone and Battery Performance document:
In some cases, a user may not notice any differences in daily device performance. The level of perceived change depends on how much power management is required for a particular device.
In cases that require more extreme forms of this power management, the user may notice effects such as:
- Longer app launch times 更长的APP启动时间。
- Lower frame rates while scrolling 滚动时的帧速率降低
- Backlight dimming (which can be overridden in Control Center) 背景光变慢
- Lower speaker volume by up to -3dB 扬声器的音量最高下降3分贝
- Gradual frame rate reductions in some apps 部分应用逐渐降低的帧速率
- During the most extreme cases, the camera flash will be disabled as visible in the camera UI 最极端的情况下,闪光灯将会被禁止使用(相机UI中可以看到)
- Apps refreshing in background may require reloading upon launch 后台刷新的应用可能需要重新载入。
Many key areas are not impacted by this power management feature. Some of these include:
- Cellular call quality and networking throughput performance
通话质量和网络的稳定性 - Captured photo and video quality 高质量的拍照和视频录制
- GPS performance Gps性能
- Location accuracy 定位准确性
- Sensors like gyroscope, accelerometer, barometer 陀螺仪、加速感应器和气压计等感应器
- Apple Pay 苹果支付
Is there a way to disable the power management feature on my iPhone?
Not currently. The only way to avoid Apple's power management feature is to avoid installing iOS 10.2.1 or iOS 11.2 depending on which iPhone you have, although many customers have already updated by now, and it is no longer possible to downgrade to software versions earlier than iOS 11.2.
Is Apple purposefully slowing down my older iPhone?
For several years, there has been a conspiracy theory that Apple artificially slows down older iPhone models to incentivize a customer to upgrade to a newer, faster iPhone, and a wealth of misinformation and some sensational reporting about Apple's power management feature has only fueled that fire.
很多年来,一直存在这样一个阴谋论:苹果人工介入,降低老型号的iPhone运行速度,促使用户升级到更新,更快的iPhone. 关于iPhone 电池管理功能的错误理解和一些耸人听闻的报道,只是在火上浇油。
In a letter to customers, Apple said its power management feature is actually designed to extend the life of an older iPhone as much as possible, rather than having the device frustratingly shut down unexpectedly. In other words, Apple's intentions are actually quite the opposite of what some are accusing.
在对顾客的公开信中,苹果表示,设计电池管理功能的初衷就是尽可能的延长旧款iPhone的使用寿命,而不是让这些设备意外的关机。 换句话说,苹果的目的和一些人的指责恰好相反。
Apple denied any kind of planned obsolescence by flat out stating that it never has and never would do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any Apple product, or degrade the user experience, to drive customer upgrades.
We have never — and would never — do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any Apple product, or degrade the user experience to drive customer upgrades. Our goal has always been to create products that our customers love, and making iPhones last as long as possible is an important part of that.
Whether a customer chooses to believe Apple is his or her choice, but there is no evidence to suggest that Apple's power management feature is designed for any other purpose than to prevent iPhones from unexpectedly shutting down.
我们的目标是创造用户喜爱的产品,让iPhone 的生命周期足够长。
Why did Apple apologize then?
Apple apologized because it could have been much more transparent about the power management changes introduced in iOS 10.12.1. The feature was not mentioned in the update's release notes, and in a statement issued in February 2017, Apple vaguely mentioned "improvements" made to prevent unexpected shutdowns.
苹果道歉的原因是:关于10.12.1 的电源管理功能已经如此人人皆知,但是却没有在更新说明中体现,只是在2017年2月的一份文件中表明:苹果模糊地提到避免意外关机的改善。
From its letter to customers:
We've been hearing feedback from our customers about the way we handle performance for iPhones with older batteries and how we have communicated that process. We know that some of you feel Apple has let you down. We apologize.
Given it didn't fully communicate the changes, some iPhone users with a suddenly slower device may not have realized that they could have simply replaced the battery to regain maximum performance consistently. As a result, some customers may have even unnecessarily purchased a brand new iPhone.
由于没有被提供足够的信息,一些用户没有意识到换一块电池就可以重新获得iPhone的性能,在没有必要的前提下,部分用户购买了新的iPhone .
Are other Apple products affected: iPad, Mac, Apple TV?
苹果的其他产品是否会有影响:iPad, Mac, Apple TV?
Apple said the power management feature only applies to select iPhone models listed above. There is currently no evidence to suggest the feature extends to other Apple devices, including any iPad, iPod, Mac, Apple Watch, or Apple TV.
Why is Apple in the headlines now when iOS 10.2.1 was released nearly a year ago?
为什么一年前发布的iOS 10.2.1 ,现在苹果成为了头条?
When iOS 10.2.1 was publicly released, the release notes vaguely mentioned that the software update contained general bug fixes and improvements.
Likewise, when Apple released a statement claiming iOS 10.2.1 had resulted in a significant reduction of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s shutdowns, it still only mentioned "improvements" were made to reduce occurrences of shutdowns.
同样地,当苹果宣布10.2.1 有效地降低了 iPhone 6 和6s 的自动关机的信息时,仍然只是提到了降低关机概率的性能改善。
Apple's statement in February 2017:
With iOS 10.2.1, Apple made improvements to reduce occurrences of unexpected shutdowns that a small number of users were experiencing with their iPhone. iOS 10.2.1 already has over 50% of active iOS devices upgraded and the diagnostic data we've received from upgraders shows that for this small percentage of users experiencing the issue, we're seeing a more than 80% reduction in iPhone 6s and over 70% reduction on iPhone 6 of devices unexpectedly shutting down.
It wasn't until December 2017, nearly one year after iOS 10.2.1 was released, that Apple revealed the software update includes a power management to "smooth out the instantaneous peaks only when needed" to prevent older iPhone models from unexpectedly shutting down.
通过iOS 10.2.1 ,苹果作出了一些改进,降低了意外关机的次数,少部分用户已经体验到了此功能。 iOS 10.2.1已经有超过50%的设备激活安装,通过参与测试的已经升级到10.2.1的用户数据,我们发现6s用户意外关机的频率降低了80%,6用户降低了70%。一直到2017年的12月,苹果才对外披露:当初的升级中包含了电源管理功能。
Apple's statement in December 2017:
Our goal is to deliver the best experience for customers, which includes overall performance and prolonging the life of their devices. Lithium-ion batteries become less capable of supplying peak current demands when in cold conditions, have a low battery charge or as they age over time, which can result in the device unexpectedly shutting down to protect its electronic components.
Last year we released a feature for iPhone 6, iPhone 6s and iPhone SE to smooth out the instantaneous peaks only when needed to prevent the device from unexpectedly shutting down during these conditions. We've now extended that feature to iPhone 7 with iOS 11.2, and plan to add support for other products in the future.
去年我们针对iphone6,6s,se发布了电源管理的功能,在特定的条件下将会启用以避免意外关机,现在我们已经将此功能通过11.2 扩展到iPhone7 上,计划在将来为其他的产品提供同样的支持。
Apple's admission came a few weeks after a Reddit user claimed his own iPhone 6s' performance significantly increased after replacing the device's battery, which reignited the conspiracy theory about the company intentionally slowing down older iPhone models. Apple didn't help itself by remaining quiet.
What are Apple's next steps?
In its apology letter for its lack of communication, Apple outlined three steps it is taking to address customer concerns and to regain the trust of anyone who may have doubted the company's intentions.
First, Apple has reduced the price of out-of-warranty iPhone battery replacements by $50 (from $79 to $29 in the United States) for any customer with an iPhone 6 or newer. The discount is available worldwide between now and the end of 2018, with prices varying based on local currencies.
Next, early in 2018, Apple has promised to release an iOS update with new features that give users more visibility into the health of their iPhone's battery, so they can see for themselves if its condition is affecting performance.
How do I get my iPhone battery replaced?
Depending on your location, you can receive a battery replacement by sending in your iPhone or scheduling a Genius Bar appointment.
To get started, visit the Contact Apple Support page, click on See Your Products, sign in to your Apple ID account, select which iPhone, and click on Battery, Power, and Charging and then Battery Replacement.
首先,访问苹果支持页面,点击产品类型,登陆你的账号,选择哪一款iPhone, 点击电池,电源与充电,然后选择更换服务。
After completing the above steps, you should have options available to you to bring in your iPhone to an Apple Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider, mail the device to an Apple Repair Center, or both.
完成以上步骤后,你应该可以可以看到如下选项: 带着你的iPhone到苹果店铺或者授权服务商,快递你的手机到授权服务中心。
Does my iPhone battery have to fail a diagnostic test to qualify for a reduced-price battery replacement?
Apple distributed a memo to Apple Stores and Apple Authorized Service Providers, obtained by MacRumors, that states customers with an iPhone 6 or newer can request a $29 replacement battery "regardless of diagnostic result."
据苹果传言网称,苹果已经给直营店面和授权服务商提供了对应的备忘录: 无需诊断测试结果,iPhone6 及更新的手机用户均可以参加29美金的电池更换服务。
If a customer is requesting a free battery replacement under the terms of Apple's limited one-year warranty, however, the battery must fail the diagnostic test, meaning it has lower than 80 percent capacity with fewer than 500 full charge cycles.
对于在1年质保期内的用户,如果想免费更换电池,需要达到如下条件: 无法通过诊断测试,也就是说电量低于80%,循环次数少于500.
I already paid to have my iPhone battery replaced recently. Am I eligible for a partial refund?
Apple distributed a memo to Apple Stores and Apple Authorized Service Providers, obtained by MacRumors, that states customers may be eligible for a refund if they paid for a battery repair or replacement at a higher price.
In other words, if you paid Apple's standard $79 out-of-warranty fee to replace the battery in your iPhone 6 or newer, you should contact Apple Support or visit an Apple Store to inquire about a partial refund.
换句话说,对于超出了质保期的iPhone6 及更新手机的用户,如果花费了79美金更换电池,你应该联系苹果支持或者前往店铺询问部分返还。
We've heard that Apple may only honor refunds for full-price battery replacements initiated on or after December 14, and there may be other requirements, so your mileage may vary. We recommend contacting Apple Support for more details.