
2019-12-01  本文已影响0人  羊皮卷的味道
Jason Meyer 杰森迈尔
12/1/2019 2019年12月1日
Luke 1:26-56 路加福音1:26-56
26 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, 27 to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin’s name was Mary. 28 And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” 29 But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. 30 And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”34 And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?”35 And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God. 36 And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. 37 For nothing will be impossible with God.” 38 And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her. 39 In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a town in Judah, 40 and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. 41 And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, 42 and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43 And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. 45 And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.” 46 And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, 47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48 for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; 49 for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. 50 And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. 51 He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; 52 he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; 53 he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. 54 He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, 55 as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.”56 And Mary remained with her about three months and returned to her home. 26 到了第六个月,天使加百列奉 神差遣,往加利利的拿撒勒城去, 27 到了一个童贞女那里,她已经和大卫家一个名叫约瑟的人订了婚,童贞女的名字是马利亚。 28 天使进去,对她说:“恭喜! 蒙大恩的女子,主与你同在!” 29 她却因这话惊慌起来,反覆思想这样祝贺是甚么意思。 30 天使说:“马利亚,不要怕! 因你已从 神那里蒙了恩。 31 你将怀孕生子,要给他起名叫耶稣。 32 他将要被尊为大,称为至高者的儿子,主 神要把他祖大卫的王位赐给他, 33 他要作王统治雅各家,直到永远,他的国没有穷尽。” 34 马利亚对天使说:“我还没有出嫁,怎能有这事呢?” 35 天使回答:“圣灵要临到你,至高者的能力要覆庇你,因此那将要出生的圣者,必称为 神的儿子。 36 你看,你亲戚以利沙伯,被称为不生育的,在老年也怀了男胎,现在已是第六个月了, 37 因为在 神没有一件事是不可能的。” 38 马利亚说:“我是主的婢女,愿照你的话成就在我身上!” 天使就离开她去了。 39 后来,马利亚就起身,急忙向山地去,来到犹大的一座城, 40 进了撒迦利亚的家,向以利沙伯问安。 41 以利沙伯一听见马利亚的问安,腹中的胎儿就跳动,以利沙伯也被圣灵充满, 42 就高声说:“你在女子中是有福的! 你腹中的胎儿也是有福的! 43 我主的母亲竟然到我这里来。这事怎会临到我呢? 44 你看,你问安的声音一进我的耳朵,我腹中的胎儿就欢喜跳跃。 45 这相信主传给她的话必要成就的女子是有福的。” 46马利亚说:“我心尊主为大, 47 我灵以 神我的救主为乐, 48 因为他垂顾他婢女的卑微,看哪! 今后万代都要称我为有福。 49 全能者为我行了大事,他的名为圣; 50 他的怜悯世世代代归与敬畏他的人。 51 他用膀臂施展大能,驱散心里妄想的狂傲人。 52 他使有权能的失位,叫卑微的升高, 53 让饥饿的得饱美食,使富足的空手回去。 54 他扶助了他的仆人以色列,为要记念他的怜悯, 55 正如他向我们列祖所说的,恩待亚伯拉罕和他的后裔,直到永远。” 56 马利亚和以利沙伯同住约有三个月,就回家去了。
Introduction 引子
I would like to do a fill in the blank exercise at the beginning of this sermon. Here we go: “Christmas is for ____________.” 我想在讲道开始时进行填空练习。我们讨论:“圣诞节是为了____________。”
Many people may have put things like “Christmas is for Christians” or “Christmas is for the religious.” This is a common belief in our day. It is ok for religious people to celebrate Christmas. Something of a culture war exists after Thanksgiving where people debate what place Christ should have this time of year. Should we call it the Christmas season or the holiday season. Therefore, Christians can feel defensive this time of year because they see the organized and concerted efforts to take Christ out of the public sphere and make everything comfortably secular and non-religious. 许多人可能会提出“圣诞节是为了基督徒”或“圣诞节是为了信仰宗教的人。”这是我们今天的普遍信念。宗教人士可以庆祝圣诞节。感恩节过后,像是“文化大战”就会发生,人们在每年的这个时候就会争论基督应该在什么地方。我们应该称它为圣诞时期还是节假日时期?因此,基督徒每年的这个时候会将自己防御起来,因为他们看到有组织经过共同努力,将基督赶出公共领域,并使一切自然而然地世俗化和去宗教化。
Others may see the grace available through the message and meaning of Christmas and say: “Christmas is for everyone.” This is certainly true. The Christmas angels brought this message to the shepherds: “fear not, for I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for all the people: for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11). 其他人可能会通过圣诞节的信息和含义看到恩典的可能性,并说:“圣诞节是给每个人的。”这当然无可厚非。圣诞天使向牧羊人传达了这一信息:“不要怕! 看哪! 我报给你们大喜的信息,是关于万民的: 11 今天在大卫的城里,为你们生了救主,就是主基督。”(路加福音2:10-11)。
But if we would back up to Luke chapter 1, we find a somewhat surprising answer. Christmas is for skeptics. The people that first heard the Christmas message were skeptical and they struggled mightily to believe it. 但是,如果我们回到路加福音第1章,我们会找到一个令人惊讶的答案。 圣诞节是给怀疑者的。 最初听到圣诞消息的人们对此表示怀疑,他们激烈斗争后决定相信这一消息。
This year we are going to look at Luke 1:26-56. This passage highlights two main themes: (1) how to receive the good news (and how not to receive it) and (2) how to respond to the good news. The first message gives the overview concerning how to receive the good news because it comes first as a staggering shock to those who hear it. 今年,我们将看路加福音1:26-56。 这段经文突出了两个主要主题:(1)如何接收好消息(以及如何不接收好消息)以及(2)如何回应好消息。 第一条信息主要概述了如何接收好消息,因为对听到消息的人来说最先感到的是震惊。
In fact, we learn that Mary responded to the staggering shock of the good news in four stages. Mary starts out skeptical – saying how can these things be? Then she receives what the angel says with submission – saying “may it be to me according to your word.” Then she receives confirmation as Elizabeth speaks by the Spirit. Then she bursts into celebration with a song of praise we now call the “Magnificant.” 实际上,我们知道马利亚对好消息的震惊做出了四个阶段的回应。 马利亚一开始感到怀疑,说这些事情怎么可能发生? 然后,她以顺服的心接受天使所说的,并说道: “愿照你的话成就在我身上”然后,当以利沙伯由圣灵讲话时,她得到了证实。 接下来,她用赞美的歌声欢呼庆祝,我们现在称之为《尊主颂》。
1. Skepticism (how can these things be?) 1.怀疑(怎能有这事呢?)
2. Submission (may it be to me according to your word) 2.顺从(愿照你的话成就在我身上!)
3. Identification (the work of the Spirit) 3.认同(圣灵的作用)
4. Celebration (my soul magnifies the Lord) 4.庆祝(我心尊主为大)
1. Skepticism (“how can these things be” verses 26-37) 1. 怀疑(怎能有这事呢?)
26 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, 27 to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin’s name was Mary. 28And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” 29But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. 30And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. 32He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, 33*and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” * 26 到了第六个月,天使加百列奉 神差遣,往加利利的拿撒勒城去, 27 到了一个童贞女那里,她已经和大卫家一个名叫约瑟的人订了婚,童贞女的名字是马利亚。 28 天使进去,对她说:“恭喜! 蒙大恩的女子,主与你同在!” 29 她却因这话惊慌起来,反覆思想这样祝贺是甚么意思。 30 天使说:“马利亚,不要怕! 因你已从 神那里蒙了恩。 31 你将怀孕生子,要给他起名叫耶稣。 32 他将要被尊为大,称为至高者的儿子,主 神要把他祖大卫的王位赐给他, 33 他要作王统治雅各家,直到永远,他的国没有穷尽。”
34And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” 34 马利亚对天使说:“我还没有出嫁,怎能有这事呢?”
35And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God. 36And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. 37For nothing will be impossible with God.” 35 天使回答:“圣灵要临到你,至高者的能力要覆庇你,因此那将要出生的圣者,必称为 神的儿子。 36 你看,你亲戚以利沙伯,被称为不生育的,在老年也怀了男胎,现在已是第六个月了, 37 因为在 神没有一件事是不可能的。”
We learn about who Jesus is in relation to John the Baptist in Luke chapter 1. We are confronted with some staggering contrasts. 在路加福音第1章中,我们了解到耶稣与施洗约翰的关系。我们发现一些惊人的对比。
• Elizabeth is barren, but Mary is a virgin. • 以利沙伯不能生育,而马利亚是童贞女。
• John the Baptist will be called great as a prophet of the Most High, but Jesus will be great as the “Son of the Most High.” • 施洗约翰将被称为至高者的先知,而耶稣将被称为“至高者的儿子”。
• John will be filled with the Spirit, but Jesus will be conceived by the Spirit. • 约翰将被圣灵充满,而耶稣将由圣灵感孕。
• John will prepare the way, but Jesus is the way. • 约翰将预备道路,而耶稣就是道路。
The Bible is written in a way that staggers the skeptic. It blows all of your categories with what seems hard or almost impossible to believe. 圣经的写法使怀疑者感到惊讶。 它打破你所有认知的范畴,使你相信那些难以置信或几乎不可能相信的事情。
It is hard to believe that a barren woman will give birth, but it seems impossible to believe that a virgin will give birth. 很难相信一个无法生育的女人会生孩子,似乎更不可能相信一个童贞女会生孩子。
It is hard to believe a prophesy that a baby born will be a prophet and speak for God, but it seems impossible to believe a prophesy that a baby born could be the very divine Son of God. 很难相信一个预言,一个出生的婴儿将成为先知并为上帝代言,也不可能相信一个预言,一个婴儿出生就是至圣的上帝之子。
It is hard to believe that a baby could be filled with the Spirit from the womb, but it seems impossible to believe that a baby could be conceived by the Spirit. 很难相信婴儿可以在腹中被圣灵充满,但似乎无法相信婴儿可以由圣灵感孕。
Notice the key point for a skeptic at this point. Zechariah was disciplined for his lack of faith. Mary was not. 请注意此时怀疑者的关键点。 撒迦利亚因缺乏信念而受到责罚。 但马利亚不是。
Why? Zechariah said he needed more. What the angel said was not enough. 为什么? 撒迦利亚说他还需要更多。 天使说的还不够。
18And Zechariah said to the angel, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years.” 19And the angel answered him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news. 20And behold, you will be silent and unable to speak until the day that these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their time.” 18 撒迦利亚对天使说:“我怎么能知道这事呢? 我已经老了,我妻子也上了年纪。” 19 天使回答:“我是站在 神面前的加百列,奉差遣向你说话,报给你这好消息。 20 看吧! 到了时候我的话必要应验;因为你不信我的话,你必成为哑巴,直到这些事成就的那一天,才能说话。”
But Mary responded differently, even though the word she received was much harder to believe. 但马利亚的回答却不同,尽管她所听到的话更难以置信。
34 And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” 34 马利亚对天使说:“我还没有出嫁,怎能有这事呢?”
She never said: “these things can’t be.” She said, “How will this be?” I want to believe what you are saying, but I don’t understand because I am a virgin. Gabriel’s answer is the omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit. 她从来没有说过:“事情不可能这样。”她说,“怎能有这事呢?”我想相信你在说什么,但是我不明白,因为我还没有出嫁。 加百列的答案是圣灵的全能。
So the key in each of these comparisons is this singular truth: what is hard for humanity is not hard for God to do. There are places that humanity cannot go because it is impossible. But the Bible declares that God can come right up against the limits of what is humanly possible and then go way beyond them. God is not limited by the capabilities of humanity. Therefore, if we change the question from “is this possible for me?” to “is this possible for God?”, then we are in a better position to receive his word of promise. Notice that this is exactly what Abraham did in Romans 4. 因此,这些对比中的每一个关键是一个单一的事实:人类很难做到的事,对上帝而言一点都不难。 有一些地方,人类无法涉足,因为那是不可能的。 但是圣经宣告上帝可以立刻到达人类可能的极限,然后远远超越那极限。 上帝不受人类能力的限制。 因此,如果我们将问题从“对我来说这可能吗?”更改为“对上帝来说这可能吗?”那么我们将以更好的姿态接受祂的应许。 请注意,这正是亚伯拉罕在罗马书4章中所做的。
19He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was as good as dead (since he was about a hundred years old), or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah’s womb. 20No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, 21fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised (Romans 4:19-21). 19 他快到一百岁的时候,想到自己的身体好像已经死了,撒拉也不能生育,他的信心还是不软弱, 20 也没有因着不信而疑惑 神的应许,反倒坚信不移,把荣耀归给 神, 21 满心相信 神所应许的,神必能成就。(罗马书4:19-21)
2. Submission (may it be to me according to your word) 2.顺从(愿照你的话成就在我身上)
38And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her. 38 马利亚说:“我是主的婢女,愿照你的话成就在我身上!” 天使就离开她去了。
What stands out about this verse is how different Mary’s response is from Zechariah’s response. He responds with unbelief, but Mary responds with faith seeking understanding. He said: “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years” (Luke 1:18). 这一节突出的是马利亚的反应和撒迦利亚的反应如何不同。他以不信来回应,而马利亚的回应是以信心来寻求理解。他说:“我怎么能知道这事呢? 我已经老了,我妻子也上了年纪。” (路加福音1:18)
In other words, how can I know this for sure because here is what I already know for sure: I am old and my wife is old! What is the problem with this response? Zechariah ought to know his history! How many times did God open the womb for people like Sarah and Hannah?! This word from an angel ought to be readily understandable and believable. There is plenty of precedent for this promise. 换句话说,我如何能肯定地知道这一点,是因为我已经肯定地知道:我老了,我妻子也老了! 这个回应有什么问题吗? 撒迦利亚理当知道祂的历史! 有多少次上帝覆庇不育之人如撒拉和哈拿之类? 这话出自天使之口,应该容易理解和相信。 这样的应许有很多先例。
The word to Mary is very different and her response is very different. She is told something that has never happened before: someone will get pregnant without a man’s involvement. So Mary asks the obvious question: how can these things be since I am a virgin?” Notice she does not form a judgment of unbelief: “these things can’t be.” She simply asks how they could be given the very obvious lack of a man’s involvement. 对马利亚讲的话很不一样,她的反应也很不一样。 她被告知从未发生过的事情:“没有男人的参与,也会有人怀孕。 因此,马利亚问了一个明显的问题:既然我还是个童贞女,怎能有这事? ” 请注意,她并不是出于不信作出判断:“这些事情不可能。”她只是问没有男人的参与这事如何发生。
After she hears the angel’s explanation she responds with a faith that believes and receives the word and fully submits to the word (let it be to me according to your word). She does not put herself above the word as its judge, but underneath the Lord and his word as a servant. But the Lord does not ask us to believe things that have no correspondence to reality. God’s truth finds confirmation as he brings about circumstances that highlight the coherence of the truth and the experience of the truth. 在听到天使的解释后,她以信心来回应,即相信并接受,完全服从(愿照你的话成就在我身上)。 她并没有把自己当作审判者站在话语之上,而是作为仆人顺服在主及其话语之下。 但是主并没有要求我们相信与现实不符的事物。 当上帝造成特定的景况以突显真理的一致性和真理的实际经历,祂的真理就得到确认。
3. Identification (the work of the Spirit) 3.认同(圣灵的作用)
39In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a town in Judah, 40and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. 41And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, 42and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. 45And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.” 39 后来,马利亚就起身,急忙向山地去,来到犹大的一座城, 40 进了撒迦利亚的家,向以利沙伯问安。 41 以利沙伯一听见马利亚的问安,腹中的胎儿就跳动,以利沙伯也被圣灵充满, 42 就高声说:“你在女子中是有福的! 你腹中的胎儿也是有福的! 43 我主的母亲竟然到我这里来。这事怎会临到我呢? 44 你看,你问安的声音一进我的耳朵,我腹中的胎儿就欢喜跳跃。 45 这相信主传给她的话必要成就的女子是有福的。”
The text has paralleled John and Jesus. John is the forerunner preparing the way for Jesus and so their lives are intertwined even from the beginning. We have the prophecy of John’s birth and then the conception of John. This is followed by the prophesy of Jesus’ birth and the conception of Jesus. Then the two mothers meet and the two babies in the womb meet as well. The baby in Elizabeth’s womb leaps for joy for the baby in Mary’s womb. She proclaims that the baby in Mary’s womb is none other than Elizabeth’s Lord! 经文将约翰与耶稣并排对比。 约翰是为耶稣铺路的先驱,因此他们的生活甚至从一开始就交织在一起。 我们有关于约翰出生的预言,然后有约翰的受孕。 其次是关于耶稣诞生的预言和耶稣的受孕。 然后,两个母亲相遇,腹中的两个婴儿也相遇。 以利沙伯腹中的婴儿为马利亚腹中的婴儿欢呼雀跃。 她宣布马利亚腹中的婴儿就是以利沙伯的主!
And Elizabeth blesses Mary as the one “who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord” (v. 45). That had to be a pointed contrast between Mary and Elizabeth’s husband – Zechariah. Her response of faith means that even though the announcement came to Zechariah first, he will not get to celebrate first. Mary sings her song of praise before Zechariah because he is mute for his unbelief. 以利沙伯祝福马利亚是“相信主传给她的话必要成就的”(第45节)。 这一定是马利亚和以利沙伯的丈夫撒迦利亚之间明显的对比。 她出于信心的回应意味着,即使宣告是先来到撒迦利亚,他也不会首先欢庆。 马利亚在撒迦利亚面前唱赞美歌,因为他因不信而变成哑巴。
4. Celebration (my soul magnifies the Lord) 4. 庆祝(我心尊主为大)
46And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, 47and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; 49for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. 50 And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. 51 He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; 52 he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; 53 he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. 54 He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, 55 as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.” 56 And Mary remained with her about three months and returned to her home. 46马利亚说:“我心尊主为大,47 我灵以 神我的救主 为乐,48 因为他垂顾他婢女的卑微,看哪! 今后万代都要称 我为有福。49 全能者为我行了大事,他的名为圣;50他的怜悯世世代代归与敬畏他的人。51他用膀臂施展大能,驱散心里妄想的狂傲人。52他使有权能的失位,叫卑微的升高,53让饥饿的得饱美食,使富足的空手回去。54他扶助了他的仆人以色列,为要记念他的怜悯,55正如他向我们列祖所说的,恩待亚伯拉罕和他的后裔,直到永远。”56马利亚和以利沙伯同住约有三个月,就回家去了
The poem has two parts: 46-50 and 51-55. God is the explicit subject of praise in this song. The first part celebrates what God has done for Mary. The second part sees what God has done for Mary as a pattern for what he does with everyone. In the first, the Mighty God has done something for the humble woman. In the second, the Mighty God will do something for the humble and entire social strata are involved: he scattered the proud and cast down the mighty from their thrones, while the humble are raised up. The hungry are filled, the rich are empty. Jesus is indeed destined for the “rising and falling of many in Israel” (2:34). He often says that those who exalt themselves will be humbled, but those who humble themselves will be exalted. 这首诗分为两部分:46-50节和51-55节。 上帝是这首歌中明确赞美的对象。 第一部分庆祝上帝为马利亚做了什么。 第二部分将上帝为马利亚所做的事情视为祂对所有人所做的示例。 首先,全能的上帝为谦卑的女人做了些什么。 第二,全能的上帝将为卑微的人做些事情,并涉及所有社会阶层:祂将心里妄想的狂傲人驱散,将有权势的人从他们的宝座上赶下,而卑微的人则被抬高。祂让饥饿人的得饱美食,使富足的空手回去。耶稣注定“要叫以色列中许多人跌倒,许多人兴起”(2:34)。 祂常说,高举自己的人要降卑,而那些谦卑的人会得高举。
This is important because sometimes Protestants have issues with Mary. Rightly so, they do not want to venerate her like Roman Catholics do in a way that goes way beyond Scripture. But worshipping Mary would miss the point of the passage. Mary does not say: “God looked upon me because I am unlike everyone else – I have a special virtue that no one else does.” No. Her poem goes in exactly the opposite direction. I am no one – lowly, poor. Look what God has done! This is the kind of thing he does for all those who are poor and lowly. 这很重要,因为有时新教徒对马利亚有看法。 没错,他们不希望像罗马天主教徒那样尊崇她,这超出了圣经的教导。 当然敬拜马利亚会错过这段经文的重点。 马利亚并没有说:“上帝垂顾我,因为我与众不同——我有某样独特的美德,而其他人没有。”但并不是这样。她的诗正好相反。 我什么都不是——卑微,贫穷。 看看上帝做了什么! 这是祂为所有贫穷和卑微的人所做的事。
Application: 应用:
Here is what this text would say to skeptics this morning. Skepticism has its place. Claims should be evaluated. Questions should be asked. Understanding should be sought. Being gullible and naïve is not a virtue at all. 这是今天早上对怀疑者说的话。 怀疑论有其价值。 评估主张是应该的。 提出问题是应该的。 寻求理解也是应该的。 轻信和幼稚根本不是美德。
But skepticism also has its limits. This text calls the skeptic far beyond where he or she wants to go. Skepticism has some natural points of contact when it comes to religion. Some skeptics find enough evidence to say: “I do not think I am comfortable calling myself an atheist anymore. I am now an agnostic. I am open to the existence of God, but I just do not know for sure.” 但是怀疑也有其局限性。 这段经文呼召怀疑者去的地方远远超出了他或她想去的范围。 怀疑论与宗教有一些自然的联系点。 一些怀疑论者找到了足够的证据,就说:“我觉得我不再自称为无神论者。 我现在是一个不可知论者。 我对上帝的存在持开放态度,但我只是不确定。”
This text would take the skeptic far beyond the typical religious conversation. God is not a philosophical construct. He is not merely a First Cause or an unmoved mover. He is not a God who is merely an Intelligent Designer who created the world like a clock and then left it to run like clockwork. He is not a distant God of isolated attributes. He is the God who makes promises and keeps promises. He is the One who loved the world by sending his Son. He is the God for whom nothing is impossible. And no gift is too extravagant to save this rebellious world. 这段经文使怀疑者远远超出典型的宗教对话。 上帝不是哲学建构。 祂不仅是第一因,还是不动的推动者。 祂不仅仅是一个智慧设计师,像创造钟表一样创造了世界,然后让它像钟表一样运转。 祂不是一个高高在上遥不可及的上帝。 祂是作出应许并实现应许的上帝。 神爱世人,将独生子派到世上。 祂是上帝,没有什么是不可能的。 没有什么礼物能比拯救这个叛逆的世界更慷慨大方。
So how do you bridge the gap between where you are with your questions and where this text is with the glory of what it affirms? 那么,如何弥合你带着问题的位置与文中所确认的荣耀位置之间的鸿沟呢?
The answer the text gives is profound. How can you believe that the First Person of the Trinity sent the Second Person of the Trinity? Answer: the Third Person of the Trinity. 文中给出的答案是深刻的。 你怎么能相信三位一体的第一位格差派送了三位一体的第二位格? 答案就是:三位一体的第三位格。
The Holy Spirit is the very reason why a virgin could conceive (the Holy Spirit will come upon you – Luke 1:35). And the Holy Spirit is the only reason someone could recognize that Jesus is the Son of God. 圣灵正是童贞女能够怀孕的原因(圣灵要临到你——路加福音1:35)。 而圣灵是唯一可以使人认识到耶稣是上帝之子的原因。
The Holy Spirit enabled Elizabeth to confess the baby as her Lord while he was still in Mary’s womb. 圣灵使以利沙伯在婴儿仍在马利亚腹中时就认祂为她的主。
41And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, 42and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy (Luke 1:41-44). 41 以利沙伯一听见马利亚的问安,腹中的胎儿就跳动,以利沙伯也被圣灵充满, 42 就高声说:“你在女子中是有福的! 你腹中的胎儿也是有福的! 43 我主的母亲竟然到我这里来。这事怎会临到我呢? 44 你看,你问安的声音一进我的耳朵,我腹中的胎儿就欢喜跳跃。(路加福音1:41-44)
The same Holy Spirit enabled John the Baptist to recognize the baby as the Lord while both of them were in the womb. How is that even possible? Luke gives us the answer earlier in the chapter with the words from the angel about John the Baptist. 相同的圣灵使施洗约翰能够在两者都在母腹中时认出祂是主。 这怎么可能呢? 路加福音在本章的前面部分用天使关于施洗约翰的话给了我们答案。
And he must not drink wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb (Luke 1:15). 淡酒浓酒都不喝,未出母腹就被圣灵充满。(路加福音115)。
What about after Jesus has been born? We have angels tell the shepherds in Luke chapter 2, but what about in the temple? There were no angelic visitors there to herald his coming to the temple. We learn the answer in verses 25-32. 耶稣出生后又是怎么回事? 我们在路加福音第二章中有天使告诉牧羊人,但是在圣殿里呢? 那里没有天使预告祂来圣殿。 我们从第25-32节知道答案。
25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26 And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. 27 And he came in the Spirit into the temple, and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the Law, 28 he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said, 29“Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; 30 for my eyes have seen your salvation 31 that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, 32a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel” (Luke 2:25-32). 25 在耶路撒冷有一个人,名叫西面,这人公义虔诚,一向期待以色列的安慰者来到,又有圣灵在他身上。 26 圣灵启示他,在死前必得见主所应许的基督, 27 他又受圣灵感动进了圣殿。那时,耶稣的父母抱着孩子进来,要按着律法的规矩为他行礼。 28 西面就把他接到手上,称颂 神说:29 “主啊,现在照你的话,释放仆人平平安安地去吧! 30 因我的眼睛已经看见你的救恩, 31 就是你在万民面前所预备的, 32 为要作外族人启示的光,和你民以色列的荣耀。”(路加福音2:25-32
Ultimately, I do not think that I am going to come up with just the right argument or just the right words to bring anyone from skepticism to faith and adoration. We don’t have to play the Holy Spirit because there already is a Holy Spirit. Let’s ask for his identifying, convicting, enlightening work. 归根结底,我认为我不会提出正确的论据或正确的措辞来使任何人从怀疑转为信仰和崇拜。 我们不必扮演圣灵的角色,因为已经有圣灵了。 我们应该求问祂施行认同、确信和启示的工作。
But even as I call you to believe the good news, I want you to know that the only reason you can receive the good news is that Jesus purchased the good news. There is a great similarity and difference between Mary and Jesus at this point. Mary responds to the good news by declaring that she is the Lord’s servant. She receives the word with humble submission (let it be to me according to your word). But later in Luke’s Gospel we see Jesus purchasing the good news. We see his humble submission to the word and plan of the Father. We see the Son of God sweating drops of blood because as the servant he has come to seek and save the lost and he will have to take the cup of God’s wrath and drink it to the dregs. And he has to submit to God’s word: “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done” (Luke 22:42) 但是,即使我叫你相信好消息,我也想让你知道,你能收到好消息的唯一原因是耶稣已经赎买了这好消息。 在这一点上,马利亚和耶稣之间有很大的相似之处和不同之处。 马利亚对好消息作出回应,宣告她是主的仆人。 她以谦卑的态度接受(愿照你的话,成就在我身上)。 但是稍后在路加福音中,我们看到耶稣赎买了好消息。 我们看到祂谦卑地服从天父的计划。 我们看到上帝的儿子汗滴如血,因为作为仆人,祂来寻找并拯救失丧的人,祂将不得不接过上帝的怒杯,一饮而尽。 祂必须顺服神的话:“父啊,如果你愿意,就把这杯拿走! 但不要成就我的意思,只要成就你的旨意。” (路加福音22:42
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Title: How to Receive the Good News 标题:怎样接受好消息
Text: Luke 1:26-56 经文:路加福音1:26-56
Outline 纲要
1. Skepticism (how can these things be?) 1.怀疑(怎能有这事呢?)
2. Submission (may it be to me according to your word) 2.顺从(愿照你的话成就在我身上)
3. Identification (the work of the Holy Spirit) 3.认同(圣灵的作用)
4. Celebration (my soul magnifies the Lord) 4.庆祝(我心尊主为大)
General Questions 一般性问题
1. What were your initial responses to the sermon? What was the Holy Spirit doing in your heart during or after the sermon? Was there a new insight gained? Any questions prompted? What did you find convicting, helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain. 1.你对讲道的最初反应是什么? 讲道期间或之后,圣灵在你心中做了什么? 是否获得了新的见解? 有什么问题吗? 你发现有什么让你对罪痛心,有帮助,大开眼界或困惑不解的? 请说明。
2. What point from the sermon landed on you with the most weight of joy or conviction? What things did you see and savor that you feel like you need to share with others? 2.讲道中哪一点最能使您感到喜悦或扎心? 您学到或体味到想要与他人分享的事情是什么?
Discussion Questions 讨论问题:
1.What is the structure of Luke 1:26-56 (the four movements of the text)? 1.路加福音1:26-56的结构是什么(经文的四个动向)?
2. How is the response of Zechariah (Luke 1:18-20) different than the response of Mary (Luke 1:26-38)? 2.撒迦利亚(路加福音1:18-20)的回应与马利亚(路加福音1:26-38)的回应有何不同?
3. What is the structure of Mary’s poem of praise (Luke 1:46-55)? How does this structure show that we are not supposed to elevate Mary over all other believers? 3.马利亚的赞美诗的结构是什么(路加福音1:46-55)? 这种结构如何表明我们不应该把马利亚抬举到所有其他信徒之上?
4. Why can people receive the good news today even though an angel never visits them? How does the story itself show the answer in verses 39-45? 4.即使没有天使来拜访人们,为什么今天人们仍能收到好消息? 故事本身如何显示第39-45节中的答案?
Application Questions 应用问题
1. In terms of the four movements of the text, where are you today? How can you take the next step to the next movement? 1.就经文中的四个动向而言,你现在在哪一个阶段? 你怎样做才能进入下一个动向阶段?
2. How does Luke 1:26-56 guide us to be patient with people when they are skeptical and have questions? How does Luke 1:46-55 guide us in terms of how we should pray for people to know Jesus as Lord? Who are people in your life that have questions or need to know the Lord that you can evangelize this Christmas? 2.路加福音1:26-56如何引导我们对怀疑者和有疑问的人保持耐心? 路加福音1:46-55如何指导我们应该如何祷告人们认识耶稣是主? 你生活中哪些人有疑问或需要认识主,你可以在这个圣诞节传福音吗?
3. What part of Mary’s poem of praise stands out to you? Are there attributes of God that shine in especially bright ways this Christmas? What would it look like to grow in giving thanks for this attribute or these attributes? 3.你觉得马利亚赞美诗的哪一部分特别突出? 在这个圣诞节中,上帝的属性有没有特别耀眼的光芒? 你在为这个属性或这些属性表示感恩方面将要如何成长?
Prayer Focus: Pray for a grace to receive the good news in humble submission to the word and in joyful celebration of all that Christ has done. 祷告聚焦:祈求恩典以接受好消息,谦卑地服从神的话语,并快乐地庆祝基督所做的一切。
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