【教书匠阿伦-外刊精读】颈椎病、腱鞘炎缠上青少年, “手机病”影

(CNN) The amount of time young children in the United States spend with mobile screens might raise some eyebrows, as a new report found it has tripled in just four years.

Children 8 and younger spent about 15 minutes a day staring at a mobile screen in 2013 and now they spend 48 minutes a day, according to the report by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization focused on helping children, parents, and educators navigate the world of media and technology.
根据Common Sense Media的一项研究报告显示,2013年8岁及以下的儿童每天盯着手机屏幕的时间约15分钟,而现在为每天48分钟。Common Sense Media 是一个致力于帮助儿童,家长和教育工作者在媒体和技术领域进行引导的非营利组织。

The report, released Thursday, also found that 42% of children 8 and younger now have their own tablet devices, a steep increase from 7% four years ago and less than 1% in 2011.

Children spending more time on mobile devices comes as no shock to Douglas Gentile, a psychology professor at Iowa State University who was not involved in the new report but has studied the effects of media use on children.
爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University)心理学教授 Douglas Gentile没有参与这份新报告,但是他研究了媒体使用对儿童的影响,他对孩子们在移动设备上花费更多的时间并不感到吃惊。

"On the one hand it's not surprising because it's what we look around ourselves and can see. I can see it at the airport, for example, I can see it at restaurants and I can even see it in my own home where my younger daughter watches almost no television but she'll watch lots of TV shows on her phone," Gentile said.

On the other hand, "it's been getting harder for parents to really monitor a lot of what their kids are seeing and doing. At the same time, they're relying on the seeming benefit of being able to quiet the kid at a restaurant with a device," he said. "We may be building a bit of a Frankenstein's monster, because we're using that power for our benefit, not for the child's benefit."

These changing patterns in how children interact with media appear to be a "seismic shift," said James Steyer, chief executive officer and founder of Common Sense Media, in an email to CNN.
Common Sense Media首席执行官兼创始人James Steyer在一封给CNN的电子邮件中表示,儿童与媒体互动方式的这些变化模式似乎是一次“巨大的转变”。

"One of the most staggering findings is that mobile devices are now as common in the home as TVs -- 98% of households with kids under 8 have a mobile device," he said. "The ubiquity of mobile is changing childhood."
他说:“最令人震惊的发现之一是移动设备现在在家庭中与电视一样普遍 - 8岁以下儿童家庭中98%拥有移动设备,手机的普及正在改变孩子们的童年。”

原文链接: https://edition.cnn.com/2017/10/19/health/children-smartphone-tablet-use-report/index.html作者:Jacqueline Howard

常识媒体 Common Sense MediaCSM是一家非营利组织,“向家庭提供教育和宣传,以促进儿童安全的技术和媒体。常识媒体由吉姆·斯泰尔于2003年创办,主要对书籍、电影、电视节目、视频游戏、应用程序、音乐和网站进行评论,并根据年龄对它们进行评级——适合的教育内容、积极的信息/榜样、暴力、性和亵渎,以及更多父母为孩子选择媒体的内容。常识媒体还开发了一套评分系统,旨在衡量视频、游戏和应用程序的教育价值。该非营利组织的“学习评分”试图评估各种媒体形式下不同类型的学习质量。



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