iPhone and iPad apps on Apple si

2020-11-12  本文已影响0人  内蒙小猿

iPhone and iPad apps on Apple silicon Macs


November 11, 2020


As announced at WWDC20, we’re excited to bring iPhone and iPad apps to the Mac App Store on Apple silicon Macs — so your apps can reach even more users worldwide. By default, your apps will be published automatically on the Mac App Store. To make sure that Mac users have a great experience, confirm that your apps work well on this platform and don’t rely on iPhone or iPad features not available on Mac. If needed, update their availability on Mac in App Store Connect.

正如在WWDC20上所宣布的,我们很高兴能把iPhone和iPad的应用程序带到苹果芯片Mac的Mac应用程序商店中——这样你的应用程序就能接触到世界各地更多的用户。默认情况下,你的应用会自动在Mac App Store上发布。为了确保Mac用户有一个很棒的体验,确保你的应用在这个平台上运行良好,并且不要依赖Mac上没有的iPhone或iPad功能。如果需要,在Mac上的App Store Connect中更新它们的适用性。


iPhone apps and iPad apps will soon be available on the Mac App Store on Apple silicon Macs without modification, opening new possibilities for users and developers alike. These apps can be optimized to work with keyboards, windows, and touch-input gestures by using existing capabilities that are already available to iPhone and iPad apps. You can even adjust the way they work on Mac by checking for existing capabilities and enabling and disabling features accordingly.


No porting required(不需要移植).

iPhone and iPad apps on the App Store will automatically be available on the Mac App Store on Apple silicon Macs, without any modification to the app. There is no porting process — the same frameworks that your apps use on iPhone and iPad are available and tuned just for the Mac, taking advantage of the same shared architecture across all three platforms.

在 App Store上的 iPhone App 和 iPad App ,将会被Apple芯片的Mac 上的 Mac App Store 自动获取,并且不需要任何修改。没有移植过程——和你的iPhone App 和 iPad App用的框架一样且针对Mac进行了调整,在所有三个平台上利用相同的共享架构。

Optimize for iPhone, iPad, and Mac(针对iPhone,iPad和Mac优化).

There are features available to iPhone and iPad apps that make it easier for them to run on Mac and improve the overall user experience when run on any of these platforms. For example, adding keyboard support not only enables the primary interface for the Mac, it also supports the growing number of users who use keyboards with their iPads. Supporting iPad Multitasking and Auto Layout lets your app support resizable windows on iPad and Mac. If your app supports standard gesture recognizers for pinch, scroll, rotate, and zoom effects, they will automatically map to appropriate gestures on Mac input devices. Adding support for drag and drop enables a common use pattern on the Mac and makes your iPad app even more versatile. Apps that deal with files can handle files correctly on every platform using the latest Bundle and FileManager APIs. And when you’re ready, you can use Mac Catalyst to create an app that truly takes advantage of everything Mac has to offer.

Phone和iPad的App有一些功能,可以让它们更容易地在Mac上运行,并改善在任何这些平台上运行时的整体用户体验。例如,增加键盘支持不仅能支持Mac的主界面,还能支持越来越多的用ipad使用键盘的用户。支持iPad多任务处理和自动布局,让你的应用程序支持在iPad和Mac上的可调整窗口大小。如果你的应用程序支持标准的缩放、滚动、旋转和缩放手势识别器,它们会自动映射到Mac输入设备上相应的手势。添加对拖放的支持可以在Mac上实现一种常见的使用模式,并使你的iPad应用程序更加通用。使用最新的Bundle和FileManager api,处理文件的应用程序可以在每个平台上正确地处理文件。当你准备好了,你可以使用Mac Catalyst创建一个应用程序,真正利用Mac提供的一切。确定您的应用是依赖于这些独特功能还是偶尔使用它们。无论哪种情况,您都可以根据需要来启用和禁用应用程序中的功能。

Running your iOS apps on macOS

Mac Catalyst

Makes sense for Mac(对Mac来说是有意义的).

Some apps are optimized to take advantage of features unique to iPhone and iPad. Carefully consider if your app makes sense for Mac and, if so, how it will work. For example, your app might use hardware unique to iPhone and iPad, such as the multi-touch screen, gyroscopes, accelerometers, and depth-sensing cameras. Or it might use frameworks, such as ARKit and CallKit, that are not available on Mac. Decide whether your app depends on these unique features or whether it uses them occasionally. In either case, you can enable and disable features in your app as needed.


Adapting iOS Code to Run in the macOS Environment

Choose Whether to Include Your iOS App on the Mac App Store

On the Mac App Store(在Mac App Store上).

Users will be able to find iPhone and iPad apps right on the Mac App Store. These apps will be distinguished by the “Designed for iPhone” and “Designed for iPad” badge next to the app icon. They can be found by browsing curated selections and charts, or by searching and clicking the “iPhone & iPad Apps” toggle at the top of search results.

用户将可以在Mac App Store上找到iPhone和iPad应用程序。这些应用程序将通过应用程序图标旁边的“ Designed for iPhone”和“ Designed for iPad”标志来区分。可以通过浏览精选作品和图表找到它们,或通过搜索并单击搜索结果顶部的“ iPhone&iPad Apps”开关。

Mac Store.png

Rating and reviews. The ratings and reviews on the Mac App Store are independent of those on the App Store for iPhone and iPad, so users looking at your app will see reviews only from other users on the same platform.

评分 和 评价。Mac App Store上的评级和评论独立于iPhone和iPad上的App Store的评级和评论,因此查看您的应用程序的用户只能看到同一平台上其他用户的评论。

Universal purchase. If your iPhone or iPad app is available on the Mac App Store, you can later replace it with a Mac version by adding the macOS platform to your app in App Store Connect. Existing users of your iPhone or iPad app on Mac will then receive the new Mac app as an update. If your iPhone or iPad app already offers a Mac app as part of a universal purchase, the option to offer the iPhone or iPad app on the Mac App Store will not be available.

通用购买。如果Mac App Store上提供了iPhone或iPad应用程序,则可以稍后通过在App Store Connect中将macOS平台添加到您的应用程序中,将其替换为Mac版本。Mac上的iPhone或iPad App 的现有用户将收到新的Mac应用程序作为更新。如果您的iPhone或iPad应用程序已经提供Mac应用程序作为通用购买的一部分,在Mac App Store上提供iPhone或iPad App 的选项将不可用。

Manage your app.

Managing Mac App Store availability. By default, your apps will be published automatically on the Mac App Store. If you determine that your app does not make sense on Mac, you can edit its availability at any time in App Store Connect.

管理Mac App Store的可用性。默认情况下,您的应用程序将自动在Mac App Store上发布。如果您确定您的应用程序在Mac上没有意义,则可以随时在App Store Connect中编辑其可用性。

Verify your app on macOS. iPhone and iPad apps on the Mac App Store will be labeled as “Not verified for macOS” by default. Once you’ve tested your app on an Apple silicon Mac to confirm that it runs well, you can verify its compatibility in App Store Connect to remove this label on the App Store.

在macOS上验证您的应用。默认情况下,Mac App Store上的iPhone和iPad应用程序将标记为“未经验证的macOS”。在Apple芯片的Mac上测试了您的应用程序以确认其运行良好之后,您可以在App Store Connect中验证其兼容性,以在App Store上删除该标签。

App Analytics. Determine how many product page views, downloads, and sales your app receives on the Mac platform using App Analytics in App Store Connect.

应用分析。使用App Store Connect中的App Analytics,确定您的应用在Mac平台上获得多少产品页面浏览量,下载量和销售量。

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