3.3How to build products users l

2017-08-28  本文已影响0人  Iwant小路

I feel like growth is fairly simple.

It's the interaction between two concepts or variables: conversion rate and churn.

The gap between those two things pretty much indicates how fast you're going to grow.

how to look at the interaction using which way, as business type person in mathmatical caculated sort of way or in human scale.

the best way to get to $1 billion is to focus on the values that help you get that first dollar to acquire that first user. If you get that right, everything else will take care of itself. It's a sort of faith thing.

this is using the right way to do the right thing, focus on the essence, everything will take care of itself. so looking at yourself in experience before, what did you get using what way, is that right? valuable?useful?if you have been made it one time, maybe the moulde can be moved to use again. think about it carefully. what you yourself is? how do you get here today? where are you going?

We wanted a product that people wanted to love, that people wanted to have a relationship with, and we were actually very fanatical about how we approached this idea, to the point where it was almost sort of in a science-y way. So what we said was like, "What's interesting about startups in terms of us wanting to create things that people love, is that love and unconditional feelings, are difficult things for us to do in real life. In startups, we have to do it at scale." So we decided to start off by asking, “How do relationships work in the real world and how can we apply them to the way we run our business and build our product that way?”

We'll go over these two metaphors: acquiring new users as if we are trying to date them, and existing users as if they are a successful marriage.

Human beings are relationship-manufacturing creatures. We cannot help but create, and anthropomorphize, the things we interact with over and over again. Whether it's the cars we drive, or the clothes we wear, or the tools and softwares we use, we eventually prescribe characteristics to it, a personality, and we expected it to behave a certain way - that's how we sort of interact with it.

looking at yourself, how you interact with your things around, that shows and tells your personality, you can use metacognition to look at your interacting way, and the things and your personality can be adjusted or renew or upgrade, anyway it can be envolved to be better you and your life. this is the key point. you can use your personality and your things to creat a world, you are the king and interact way is the tool.

what i like is simple natural straight, but the process the stages are real exist, and machanism and using is necessary, so how do you deal with this? what stage are you in now? and  you can not ignore your reality around cos this is fact you need to face.

even you got the truth, you still need to practice, like the guitar example, but one advantage is only the efficiency i think, this is the only one thing you need to focus on, cos you have already had recognition and methodology, and they are not the ending not finished, you can not ignore reality of process, stages, growth, so growth efficiency speed is the exit, and methodlogy is the tool for you. you can look at how do you get the recognition and understand and using, what you have experienced, what method do you use to get some progress and be better and better till you get to the action stage. this itself is an example.

So John Gottman understands something fundamental about how relationships work in the long term, and that basically how we fight even in the short term period can indicate the whole system and what it's going to look like.

And the reason I like to think about this in terms of customer support is that, in everyone's processing of a conversion funnel, customer support is a thing that happens in between every one of the steps; it's the reason why people don't make it further down there; it's the thing that prevents conversion from happening.

People are divorced from the consequences of their actions. This is a result from the natural evolution of how most companies get founded, especially by technical cofounders.

reality sets in, and all these other tasks come in to play; things that we have to deal with. Now what technical cofounders want to do is get back to that initial state, so what we often see is the company starts siloing off these other things that makes a startup company real, and have other people do them. In our minds these other tasks are inferior, and we have other people in the company do them.

what we're trying to figure out is how we change software development so that we inject some values that we don't talk about enough, like responsibility, accountability, humility, and modesty. It's a way of creating high-quality software, but it's super simple; you don't need a bunch of Post-it notes. All you have to do is make everyone do customer support. What you end up having is you fix the feedback.

The people who built the software are the ones supporting it, and you get all these nice benefits as a result. this has the"itself" as "use/other cause concept.

the reason that we often break up with one another is due to four major causes. They are warning signs. He calls them the Four Horsemen: criticism, contempt, defensiveness, stonewalling.Stonewalling according to John Gottman, is one of the worst things we can do in a relationship.

there's only three ways in which you show strong emotions: exclamation marks, curse words, AND ALL CAPS. Sure enough, on all three of those metrics, they've gone down in the way people were talking to us in customer support. Once people had a simple outlet for their emotions, it made them a lot more rational, and a made our jobs much more pleasant as a result.


They say there's only three ways that you achieve market dominance, and depending on how you want to achieve that market dominance, you have to organize your company in a very specific way: best price, best product, and best overall solution. For best price, you focus on logistics, so Wal-Mart and Amazon. If you want to be the best product out there, you focus on R&D, Apple is usually a quintessential example of that. Best overall solution is about being customer intimate. This is the path that you see all luxury brands follow, as well as the hospitality industry. What I love about this path towards market dominance is that the third one is the only one that everyone can do at any stage of their company. It requires almost no money to get started with it. It usually just requires a little bit of humility and some manners. And as a result, you can achieve the success of any other people in of your market. That's all I got

my feeling is marketing and sales is a tax you pay because you haven't made your product remarkable.

You have to figure out and solve what they really want, that deep underlying reason. The thing is if everyone wants to have a different way to go, then ultimately someone's going to figure something out. But also, make the smallest version of each little idea, no longer than 1 to 2 weeks to build it, so you can try it out to see what works and what doesn't. It's dangerous to have multiple product directions that require a lot of time to figure out.

The only things are like when the site is down or when payments aren't working. Everything outside of that is kind of luxury. So focus on your priorities as much as possible

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