2019-04-22 本文已影响0人
@interface YYMemoryCache : NSObject
#pragma mark - Attribute
/// @name Attribute
@property (nullable, copy) NSString *name;
//cache的一共的个数 (read-only)
@property (readonly) NSUInteger totalCount;
@property (readonly) NSUInteger totalCost;
#pragma mark - Limit
/// @name Limit
@property NSUInteger countLimit;
@property NSUInteger costLimit;
@property NSTimeInterval ageLimit;
@property NSTimeInterval autoTrimInterval;
//接收内存警告的时候 释放所有缓存 默认YES
@property BOOL shouldRemoveAllObjectsOnMemoryWarning;
//进入到后台的时候 释放所有缓存 默认YES
@property BOOL shouldRemoveAllObjectsWhenEnteringBackground;
//接收内存警告的时候 执行的block
@property (nullable, copy) void(^didReceiveMemoryWarningBlock)(YYMemoryCache *cache);
//进入后台的时候 执行的block
@property (nullable, copy) void(^didEnterBackgroundBlock)(YYMemoryCache *cache);
//是否在mainThread 释放 默认NO
@property BOOL releaseOnMainThread;
//是否异步释放缓存 默认YES
@property BOOL releaseAsynchronously;
#pragma mark - Access Methods
/// @name Access Methods
- (BOOL)containsObjectForKey:(id)key;
//返回该key的 obj
- (nullable id)objectForKey:(id)key;
- (void)setObject:(nullable id)object forKey:(id)key;
//设置key为obj 占用内存大小
- (void)setObject:(nullable id)object forKey:(id)key withCost:(NSUInteger)cost;
- (void)removeObjectForKey:(id)key;
- (void)removeAllObjects;
#pragma mark - Trim
/// @name Trim
- (void)trimToCount:(NSUInteger)count;
- (void)trimToCost:(NSUInteger)cost;
- (void)trimToAge:(NSTimeInterval)age;
关键函数注释获取内存大小和个数 没有循环遍历大小,直接返回值,因为都是动态计算的;
//信号量读数据加锁 使用CFDictionaryContainsKey c函数返回其值。
- (BOOL)containsObjectForKey:(id)key {
if (!key) return NO;
BOOL contains = CFDictionaryContainsKey(_lru->_dic, (__bridge const void *)(key));
return contains;
//先在CFDictionaryGetValue 获取node的地址
- (id)objectForKey:(id)key {
if (!key) return nil;
_YYLinkedMapNode *node = CFDictionaryGetValue(_lru->_dic, (__bridge const void *)(key));
if (node) {
node->_time = CACurrentMediaTime();
[_lru bringNodeToHead:node];
return node ? node->_value : nil;
- (void)setObject:(id)object forKey:(id)key {
[self setObject:object forKey:key withCost:0];
- (void)setObject:(id)object forKey:(id)key withCost:(NSUInteger)cost {
if (!key) return;
if (!object) {
[self removeObjectForKey:key];
_YYLinkedMapNode *node = CFDictionaryGetValue(_lru->_dic, (__bridge const void *)(key));
NSTimeInterval now = CACurrentMediaTime();
if (node) {
_lru->_totalCost -= node->_cost;
_lru->_totalCost += cost;
node->_cost = cost;
node->_time = now;
node->_value = object;
[_lru bringNodeToHead:node];
} else {
node = [_YYLinkedMapNode new];
node->_cost = cost;
node->_time = now;
node->_key = key;
node->_value = object;
[_lru insertNodeAtHead:node];
if (_lru->_totalCost > _costLimit) {
dispatch_async(_queue, ^{
[self trimToCost:_costLimit];
if (_lru->_totalCount > _countLimit) {
_YYLinkedMapNode *node = [_lru removeTailNode];
if (_lru->_releaseAsynchronously) {
dispatch_queue_t queue = _lru->_releaseOnMainThread ? dispatch_get_main_queue() : YYMemoryCacheGetReleaseQueue();
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
[node class]; //hold and release in queue
} else if (_lru->_releaseOnMainThread && !pthread_main_np()) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[node class]; //hold and release in queue
//删除key value
- (void)removeObjectForKey:(id)key {
if (!key) return;
_YYLinkedMapNode *node = CFDictionaryGetValue(_lru->_dic, (__bridge const void *)(key));
if (node) {
//node 删除
[_lru removeNode:node];
if (_lru->_releaseAsynchronously) {
dispatch_queue_t queue = _lru->_releaseOnMainThread ? dispatch_get_main_queue() : YYMemoryCacheGetReleaseQueue();
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
[node class]; //hold and release in queue
} else if (_lru->_releaseOnMainThread && !pthread_main_np()) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[node class]; //hold and release in queue
- (void)removeAllObjects {
//删除all obj 加锁删除
[_lru removeAll];
@interface YYDiskCache : NSObject
#pragma mark - Attribute
/// @name Attribute
/** cache的名字 */
@property (nullable, copy) NSString *name;
/** cache的路径 (read-only). */
@property (readonly) NSString *path;
SQLite的文件大小 默认20kb.
@property (readonly) NSUInteger inlineThreshold;
没有实现`NSCoding` protocol的可以使用此block代替
The default value is nil.
@property (nullable, copy) NSData *(^customArchiveBlock)(id object);
没有实现`NSCoding` protocol的可以使用此block代替
The default value is nil.
@property (nullable, copy) id (^customUnarchiveBlock)(NSData *data);
cache的加密方式 默认是md5
The default value is nil.
@property (nullable, copy) NSString *(^customFileNameBlock)(NSString *key);
#pragma mark - Limit
/// @name Limit
The maximum number of objects the cache should hold.
@discussion The default value is NSUIntegerMax, which means no limit.
This is not a strict limit — if the cache goes over the limit, some objects in the
cache could be evicted later in background queue.
@property NSUInteger countLimit;
The maximum total cost that the cache can hold before it starts evicting objects.
@discussion The default value is NSUIntegerMax, which means no limit.
This is not a strict limit — if the cache goes over the limit, some objects in the
cache could be evicted later in background queue.
@property NSUInteger costLimit;
The maximum expiry time of objects in cache.
@discussion The default value is DBL_MAX, which means no limit.
This is not a strict limit — if an object goes over the limit, the objects could
be evicted later in background queue.
@property NSTimeInterval ageLimit;
@property NSUInteger freeDiskSpaceLimit;
//更新缓存的频率 默认60s
@property NSTimeInterval autoTrimInterval;
//是否开启日期功能 在DEBUG环境下
@property BOOL errorLogsEnabled;
#pragma mark - Initializer
/// @name Initializer
//禁用init 和new函数
- (instancetype)init UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE;
+ (instancetype)new UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE;
- (nullable instancetype)initWithPath:(NSString *)path;
- (nullable instancetype)initWithPath:(NSString *)path
inlineThreshold:(NSUInteger)threshold NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
#pragma mark - Access Methods
/// @name Access Methods
- (BOOL)containsObjectForKey:(NSString *)key;
- (void)containsObjectForKey:(NSString *)key withBlock:(void(^)(NSString *key, BOOL contains))block;
- (nullable id<NSCoding>)objectForKey:(NSString *)key;
- (void)objectForKey:(NSString *)key withBlock:(void(^)(NSString *key, id<NSCoding> _Nullable object))block;
//设置key 保存obj
- (void)setObject:(nullable id<NSCoding>)object forKey:(NSString *)key;
//如果 obj 是nil 直接删除key,
- (void)setObject:(nullable id<NSCoding>)object forKey:(NSString *)key withBlock:(void(^)(void))block;
- (void)removeObjectForKey:(NSString *)key;
//删除该 key
- (void)removeObjectForKey:(NSString *)key withBlock:(void(^)(NSString *key))block;
- (void)removeAllObjects;
- (void)removeAllObjectsWithBlock:(void(^)(void))block;
//删除obj 和回调block
- (void)removeAllObjectsWithProgressBlock:(nullable void(^)(int removedCount, int totalCount))progress
endBlock:(nullable void(^)(BOOL error))end;
- (NSInteger)totalCount;
- (void)totalCountWithBlock:(void(^)(NSInteger totalCount))block;
- (NSInteger)totalCost;
- (void)totalCostWithBlock:(void(^)(NSInteger totalCost))block;
#pragma mark - Trim
/// @name Trim
- (void)trimToCount:(NSUInteger)count;
- (void)trimToCount:(NSUInteger)count withBlock:(void(^)(void))block;
- (void)trimToCost:(NSUInteger)cost;
- (void)trimToCost:(NSUInteger)cost withBlock:(void(^)(void))block;
- (void)trimToAge:(NSTimeInterval)age;
- (void)trimToAge:(NSTimeInterval)age withBlock:(void(^)(void))block;
#pragma mark - Extended Data
/// @name Extended Data
+ (nullable NSData *)getExtendedDataFromObject:(id)object;
+ (void)setExtendedData:(nullable NSData *)extendedData toObject:(id)object;
create index if not exists last_access_time_idx on manifest(last_access_time) 使用last_access_time创建索引和
primary key(key)
- (BOOL)_dbInitialize {
NSString *sql = @"pragma journal_mode = wal; pragma synchronous = normal; create table if not exists manifest (key text, filename text, size integer, inline_data blob, modification_time integer, last_access_time integer, extended_data blob, primary key(key)); create index if not exists last_access_time_idx on manifest(last_access_time);";
return [self _dbExecute:sql];