Product Hunt 2019.12.11
2019-12-23 本文已影响0人

Startup School Winter 2020
- Learn how to start a startup with YC for free
- YC 的训练营
Generated Photos API
- Generate worry-free, diverse models on-demand using AI
- AI 生成的人像,API 服务
SocialSizes 2.0
- All Image and Video sizes for Social Media with templates
- 设计工具,各大平台图片视频的大小模板
- Give your iPhone an iPod click wheel
- 音乐播放器,iPod 的样式
GraphQL Editor
- Online GraphQL IDE, visualize your GraphQL Schema
- GraphQL 编辑器
Mubert AI Music API
- Royalty free music for your app & business
- AI 生成的音乐,免费
- Discover and try new Lightning Network apps ⚡
- app 平台,支持比特比的一些 apps
- A plugin that lets you import, lit, and render 3D in Figma
- Figma 插件,3D 渲染
Return of the Likes
- Instagram likes and comments available again!
- 显示 Instagram 的喜欢数和评论数
- Build and deploy documentation sites that grow with you
- 开发者工具,生成项目的开发文档
ChatBot for LiveChat
- Add chatbots to LiveChat without coding
- LiveChat 的自动应答机器人
Simple Decisions for Slack
- by Simple Poll. Never let another decision get lost in Slack
- Slack 插件,追踪一个决策是否完成
- Meet people with common interests wherever you go
- 社交 app,分享共同兴趣爱好,活动
- Affiliate analytics dashboard
- 把各个平台的 Affiliate 信息聚合到一块
- Find out about company policies and practices on Amazon.
- Amazon 购物时,显示公司的一些政策,推荐更适合的产品
2019-2020 Ultimate Yearly Reflection
- 188 questions to reflect, integrate, & set yearly intentions
- 年度反思,188 个问题
RadioPublic PRO
- Podcast marketing tools for listener relationship management
- 播主的营销工具,把订阅者转换成邮件订阅
Toaster Bath Bomb
- A bath bomb shaped like a toaster and smells like a Pop-Tart
- 解压工具,Bath Bomb,泡澡的气泡弹
Lesssss Card
- The safe layer between you and your smartphone (10€).
- 一块泛黄的屏幕,保护眼睛
- Smart business current accounts
- 管理自己的银行卡等
- Qualitative automation & content workfow for Social Media
- if-then 工具,专注各个社交平台
- for iPad
- Everything you loved about on iPhone, but BIGGER 😎
- 视频编辑
- A fun and interactive engagement tool
- 物品上贴二维码,与消费者交互
- Micro-Video Chat for remote and distributed teams
- 在线会议
Nyrvana Chocolate
- The world's first smart chocolate
- 吃了会使人变聪明的巧克力
- Pretty secure unique passwords with patterns on iOS and Mac
- 锁屏 app
- Warn Slack teams against nsfw messages using AI
- Slack 中监控 nsfw 类的信息。nsfw: Not safe for work, 18 禁内容
- Easily file and deliver 1099, W-2 and ACA forms online
- 填表格,寄送,优化整个过程