

2018-04-09  本文已影响41人  大汪小喵


说起中国的四大发明,我们都不陌生,那就是造纸术 (papermaking)、指南针(compass)、火药 (gunpowder) 以及活字印刷术 (printing),但是如果被问及这样的问题:“你知道中国新的四大发明都是啥么?” 懵……


在介绍他们之前,我们先引用BBC中的原句为大家做一个温馨提示:“ China did not invent any of these technologies-but it has led the way in their widescale implementation.” 其实……其实……此发明非字典里面的发明,但是从“led the way in their widescale implementation”可以看出中国绝对引领了这四股小旋风。


英文原文中这样提到:“ The provenance (出处) of the claim appears to be a Beijing Foreign Studies University ( 北京外国语大学) survey from May 2017, which asked young people from 20 countries to list the technology they 'most wanted to bring back' to their country from China.” 


1. high-speed rail

高速铁路即高铁,那么究竟什么是高铁呢?英文原文中这样解释:“There is no standardised definition of what constitutes 'high-speed rail'. The European Union (欧盟) dedines 'high-speed' as at least 250km/h(155mph) on new tracks, and 200km/h on older tracks.”

2. mobile payment

关于手机支付的历史,原文中给出了两个“最早”。第一个是最早用于芬兰赫尔辛基机场的饮料售卖机,另外一个是 Apple Pay,原文是这么表达的:“some argue that mobile payment technology truly began when Apply Pay made its debut (首次登场)in 2004."

3. e-commerce

始于90年代,Amazon 和 eBay是最早的舵手。

4. bike-sharing

先跌一下眼镜,原来1960年荷兰就有了"white bicycle plan";再跌一下眼镜,英文原文指出“However, the bikes were confiscated(没收) by the police in case they encouraged theft”。90年代,欧洲城市开始风靡公共自行车项目。但是,我们中国有着自己独到的地方,原文这样解释:“But Chinese firms like Mobike and Ofo are at the forefront of (在最前沿) "dockless" bike-sharing, a new system where users locate bikes with their smartphone, and drop them off anywhere without the need to park them at a specific dock.“所以说,我们的发明亮点在于无锁、手机定位以及随处停放。


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