Day20 (pdf--page262-276)

2017-12-01  本文已影响0人  Sophie的读书笔记

Part 1: What We Learned:

第二十章 (Finish this book)




Part 2: Q&A

1. Why did John leave the house and went back to his hotel?

John felt like that he didn’t belong there. In all the time he stood there, Savannah never looked up, and he felt haunted by all that they had lost.

2. What did Tim worry about the most? What did he learn from his parents’ death?

Tim’s biggest worry was Alan. He learned from his parents’ death was that it’s possible to go on, no matter how impossible it seems. It may not ever go away completely, but after a while it’s not overwhelming.

3. Was Savannah still in love with John?

Yes, she was still in love with John.

4. What decision did John make in the end? How do you think of it?

John decided to sell his dad’s coin collection, and used the money to save Tim.

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