LayaAir 代码模式快捷键
按 键(Press)功能( Function)
Ctrl + Shift + P,F1显示命令面板Show Command Palette
Ctrl + P快速打开Quick Open
Ctrl + Shift + N新窗口/实例New window/instance
Ctrl + Shift + W关闭窗口/实例Close window/instance
Ctrl+X剪切行(空选定)Cut line (empty selection)
Ctrl+C复制行(空选定)Copy line (empty selection)
Alt+ ↑ / ↓向上/向下移动行Move line up/down
Shift+Alt + ↓ / ↑向上/向下复制行Copy line up/down
Ctrl+Shift+K删除行Delete line
Ctrl+Enter在下面插入行Insert line below
Ctrl+Shift+Enter在上面插入行Insert line above
Ctrl+Shift+\跳到匹配的括号Jump to matching bracket
Ctrl+] / [缩进/缩进行Indent/outdent line
Home转到行首Go to beginning of line
End转到行尾Go to end of line
Ctrl+Home转到文件开头Go to beginning of file
Ctrl+End转到文件末尾Go to end of file
Ctrl+↑ / ↓向上/向下滚动行Scroll line up/down
Alt+PgUp / PgDown向上/向下滚动页面Scroll page up/down
Ctrl+Shift+[折叠(折叠)区域Fold (collapse) region
Ctrl+Shift+]展开(未折叠)区域Unfold (uncollapse) region
Ctrl+K Ctrl+[折叠(未折叠)所有子区域Fold (collapse) all subregions
Ctrl+K Ctrl+]展开(未折叠)所有子区域Unfold (uncollapse) all subregions
Ctrl+K Ctrl+0折叠(折叠)所有区域Fold (collapse) all regions
Ctrl+K Ctrl+J展开(未折叠)所有区域Unfold (uncollapse) all regions
Ctrl+K Ctrl+C添加行注释Add line comment
Ctrl+K Ctrl+U删除行注释Remove line comment
Ctrl+/切换行注释Toggle line comment
Shift+Alt+A切换块注释Toggle block comment
Alt+Z切换换行Toggle word wrap