Weekly note
Dr. Fleishman was the first adult in my experience who admitted that youth has no monopoly on verbal sludge.
verbal sludge 言语上的污泥(类似clutter,verbiage)
I urged them to believe in themselves as writers and not to relinquish control.
relinquish 放弃,出让
It has a certain mounting hilarity—a figure freak amok at his typewriter.
hilarity 欢笑,嬉闹
amok 发狂
One column was on the petty squabbling over the shape of the table at the Vietnam peace conference in Paris.
squabbling 口水战,争吵
Don’t search for the outlandish and scorn what seems too ordinary; you will touch more chords by finding what’s funny in what you know to be true.
outlandish 稀奇古怪的,异乎寻常的
chords 激起共鸣,触动心弦
He had a cutting edge and an acerbic wit that no earlier American humorist had.
had a cutting edge 最前沿的,最尖端的;优势
acerbic 幽默辛辣的,尖刻的
But he was also lampooning the holy conventions of playwriting, in which yards of italic type are used to establish what’s happening onstage.
lampoon 讥讽
Onto this element of constant surprise he grafted the dazzling wordplay that was his trademark, a rich and recondite vocabulary
graft 将...接到另一思想或制度
recondite 知识或学问深奥的
Singer’s lethal potion is concocted of hundreds of outlandish facts and quotes—he is a tenacious reporter—and a style that barely suppresses his own amusement.
lethal 危害极大的,毁灭性的,致命的
concoct 捏造;调制
Enjoyment, finally, is what all humorists must convey—the idea that they are having a terrific time, and this notion of cranked-up audacity is what I wanted my Yale students to grapple with.
cranked-up 加紧的
audacity 胆大妄为
