BBC | 2018-02-23

2018-02-23  本文已影响10人  关仲人


Hello, I'm Debby Russ with the BBC News.
Brazil's president Michel Temer says organized criminals have all but seized control of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Mr. Temer made the comments after signing a presidential decree authorizing an army general to supervise crime fighting operations in Rio state. Leonardo Rusher reports.

The 【1】perception in Rio is that things have never been so bad. North people in Brazil agree that something had to be done. The governor of Rio had called for federal intervention in the state following the chaotic scenes of violence and lawlessness during the city's famous carnival. Streets crime is on the rise and the gangs that control drug trafficking have regained control of the city's shanty town of Favelas following the state of Rio's economic crisis. Many, however, 【2】blame the austerity measures of president Temer's government for the current social disintegration.

1【① (N-COUNT) 理解;看法;认识 Your perception of something is the way that you think about it or the impression you have of it.】
~@our perception of reality 我们对现实的认识

2【① (N-UNCOUNT) 节衣缩食;艰苦朴素 Austerity is a situation in which people's living standards are reduced because of economic difficulties.】
@War was followed by many years of austerity. 紧随战争的是多年的经济紧缩。

The United Nations children's agency says more than 46,000 children are on the run because of violence between two rival ethnic groups in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Will Ross has more details.


UNICEF is just one of the many many humanitarian agencies that saying the situation not just in a territory but right across east Congo is getting worse and worse by the day. There are tens of thousands of people who fled across the board into Uganda, into Burundi from eastern Congo. And what we are seeing now is a deepening crisis with armed groups as well as rebel groups who are sponsored by politicians are fighting each other and that seems that nobody except for handful of UN peacekeepers is able to do anything about it.

The heads of the British, French and Germany intelligence agencies have called for continued security cooperation after Britain leaves the European Union. They were speaking in Munich from where Jonathan Markus reports.

After their meeting here in Munich, the three foreign intelligence chiefs issued an unprecedented joint statement, noting that even after the UK's exit from the European Union, close cooperation and cross-border information sharing must be taken forward on themes such as international terrorism, illegal immigration,【3】 proliferation and cyber-attacks. The message is clear, the signal from the spy chiefs to their political masters that they do not want any political turbulence to complicate their relationships.
World News from the BBC.

3【 美 [prəˌlɪfəˈreɪʃn① (VERB) 激增;剧增 If things proliferate, they increase in number very quickly.】
@attempts to prevent cancer cell proliferation 防止癌细胞扩散的努力


巴西总统米歇尔·特梅尔(Michel Temer)表示有组织的犯罪分子几乎已经控制了里约热内卢。特梅尔在发表此番评论之前已经签署一份总统令,授权一名五星上将监管里约的犯罪打击行动。以下是里奥那多·罗舍的报道。








