A ViewStub is an invisible, zero-sized View that can be used to lazily inflate layout resources at runtime. When a ViewStub is made visible, or when inflate() is invoked, the layout resource is inflated. The ViewStub then replaces itself in its parent with the inflated View or Views. Therefore, the ViewStub exists in the view hierarchy until setVisibility(int) or inflate() is invoked. The inflated View is added to the ViewStub's parent with the ViewStub's layout parameters. Similarly, you can define/override the inflate View's id by using the ViewStub's inflatedId property. For instance:
The ViewStub thus defined can be found using the id "stub." After inflation of the layout resource "mySubTree," the ViewStub is removed from its parent. The View created by inflating the layout resource "mySubTree" can be found using the id "subTree," specified by the inflatedId property. The inflated View is finally assigned a width of 120dip and a height of 40dip. The preferred way to perform the inflation of the layout resource is the following: ViewStub stub = (ViewStub) findViewById(; View inflated = stub.inflate(); When inflate() is invoked, the ViewStub is replaced by the inflated View and the inflated View is returned. This lets applications get a reference to the inflated View without executing an extra findViewById().
通过判断viewStub的parent是否为空,来判断ViewStub是否已经加载。原因是viewStub一旦加载,viewStub将脱离当前的布局,动态加载出来视图将会替换它的位置,所以加载后的viewStub的parent view将为空。