I’m not willing to directly copy photographs and reports from another website because I know it’s wrongdoing. I also appreciate people’s contribution as I treat mine. So sorry, there is no picture for this article, but don’t worry. I will paint a picture of the food insecurity crisis in America for you guys. It’s kind of like this: a huge number of families are waiting in a long queue which you can’t even see the end, but they are patient in their cars with a mask on the face. Outside of the Food Bank, many workers and volunteers make great efforts to distribute food to thousands of citizens seeking food supply for their families. One of the officials from Feeding America, a hunger-relief organization, said that the crisis was acute and was nationwide, and an average of 60% more people have been seeking help from the organization since the pandemic started. Maybe it sounds a cliche, but the food is always a top priority for humans in daily life. So don’t waste your food because countless people have difficulties accessing food, even in the developed countries as the United States.
(注:Food bank:美国食物赈济处,免费为低收入者提供食物。)