Quora|What are some social rules
Stuart Wagner
, Answered Feb 23, 2018
169.3k Views · 3.7k Upvotes
This is written by someone else, but I have a copy on my phone as I think it's a very cool list to live by.
- When entrusted to a secret, keep it
- Hold your mentor to a higher standard
- Return a borrowed car with a full tank of gas, regardless of how you received it
- When shaking hands, have a firm grip and look the other person in the eye
- Carry 2 handkerchiefs; one for you, the other for her/ him
- Marry the girl, you marry her whole family
- Be a duck - calm on top and paddling like crazy underneath
- Experience the serenity of travelling alone
- A good suit is worth 1,000 words
- Never be afraid to ask the best looking girl/ guy in the room out on a date
- Thank a veteran and then make it up to them
- After writing an angry email/ text, read it again. Then delete
- Always be the hardest worker in the room
- Attitude is everything
- Do someone a good turn EVERY day. If anyone finds out, it doesn't count
- Don't criticise
- Speak more about others' achievements, less about your own
- Say "sorry", "thank you" and "I love you" more
- Find a reason to like people you don't
- Be kind, especially to those you deem undeserving
- Be open to different points of view, regardless of how crazy - someone believes in them and it probably means a lot to that person
- Being over-dressed is ALWAYS better than being under-dressed
- Let the other person through the door first
- Keep your music down - you may like it but not everyone does or wants to hear it
- Be nice to servers in restaurants and take aways and, for that matter, anyone who is providing a service
- Shouting never helps
- Accept criticism graciously and thankfully
- Confidence and arrogance are not the same thing
- If you don't know the answer, ask
- It's not all about you
- There's a lot in there about being kind and nice to others, and helping them. In itself it is good to be good, give it a try.
etiquette: formal rules of correct and polite behaviour in society or among members of a profession 礼节; 礼仪: Etiquette was considered very important in Victorian England. 英国在维多利亚时代非常注重礼仪。
entrust: ~ B with A trust sb to take charge of sth/sb 委托某人负责某事物[照看某人]: entrust an assistant with a task/entrust the task to an assistant 把一项工作交给助手;
mentor: 导师、(无经验之人的)有经验可信赖的顾问;
like crazy: (infml 口) very intensely; very much 极度; 非常: work, talk, etc like crazy 拚命干、讲等;
serenity: n. 平静,宁静;晴朗,风和日丽;
veteran: person with much or long experience, esp as a soldier 经验丰富的人; 老手; (尤指)老军人, 老兵: war veterans 经历过战争的老战士;
make it up to sb: (infml 口) compensate sb for sth he has missed or suffered or for money he has spent 补偿某人的损失、遭受的不幸或花费的钱财: Thanks for buying my ticket I'll make it up to you later. 感谢你给我买了票,我稍後再还给你钱。
do sb a good/bad turn: be helpful/unhelpful to sb 对某人有好处[坏处];
deem: consider; regard 认为; 视为: He deemed that it was his duty to help. 他认为他有责任加以援助。
in itself: That in itself is a tremendous thing. 这本身就是一件了不起的事。