2018-08-16 一个阶段的结束,意味着另一个阶段的开始
句子:强化练习 常速VOA
It’s 15 hours universal time and here is the news from the voice of America. I’m David Deforest from the VOA news center in Washington.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says she hopes Iran will seriously consider a new package of incentives to suspend its nuclear activities. The world's major powers agreed on the package Thursday in Vienna. Rice said financial and technological incentives are being offered, and penalties can be imposed if Iran rejects the offer. In a series of interviews with American media, Rice said the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany are hopeful that Iran will respond within weeks once the offer is presented. Rice told CNN television that Russia and China have signed on to the two paths - approach of incentives and punishment.
相比于上一期,这一次注意到了更多的细节,对音标更敏感了,听到或看到单词时候会想想它的音标是什么样的,我读的对不对,参加者一期重点也是想着重于音标和单词拼写的关系。 还记得上一期最后将的强化练习的时候就是觉得这也太快了吧,觉得自己的水平离这种难度还很远,比较无感,从来没想过自己可以达到这种语速,但是今天听完课,看了原文,课下一句一句的练,后面串起来还真有那么点感觉了,可见平日的工夫以及基础的练习是何等重要。 这一期又要结束了,上一期结束的时候感觉自己真的好厉害可以坚持跟下来,而且能做到每天用心用脑的完成练习任务,这一期跟完其实心态上并没有很放松,因为真的意识到这并不是结束,还需要继续向着下一个阶段努力,还有更大的世界有待自己去探索。