
Container Networking From Scratc

2019-06-29  本文已影响3人  Mr_Hospital

最近观看了《Container Networking From Scratch》这个视频,看完之后,需要记录一下。

Q: Kubernetes对于网络的要求?

A: kubernetes的官方描述:

Kubernetes imposes the following fundamental requirements on any networking implementation (barring any intentional network segmentation policies):

  • pods on a node can communicate with all pods on all nodes without NAT
  • agents on a node (e.g. system daemons, kubelet) can communicate with all pods on that node

Note: For those platforms that support Pods running in the host network (e.g. Linux):

  • pods in the host network of a node can communicate with all pods on all nodes without NAT








第一步,Single network namespace






#!/bin/bash -e


echo "Creating the namespace"
sudo ip netns add $CON

echo "Creating the veth pair"
sudo ip link add veth1 type veth peer name veth2

echo "Adding one end of the veth pair to the namespace"
sudo ip link set veth2 netns $CON

echo "Configuring the interface in the network namespace with an IP address"
sudo ip netns exec $CON ip addr add $IP dev veth2

echo "Enabling the interface inside the network namespace"
sudo ip netns exec $CON ip link set dev veth2 up

echo "Enabling the interface on the node"
sudo ip link set dev veth1 up

echo "Setting the loopback interface in the network namespace"
sudo ip netns exec $CON ip link set lo up

echo "Setting the routes on the node"
sudo ip route add $IP/32 dev veth1

echo "Setting the default route in the network namespaces"
sudo ip netns exec $CON ip route add default via $IP dev veth2                                                                                                              


第二步,Single node, 2 network namespaces.





#!/bin/bash -e


echo "Creating the namespaces"
sudo ip netns add $CON1
sudo ip netns add $CON2

echo "Creating the veth pairs"
sudo ip link add veth10 type veth peer name veth11
sudo ip link add veth20 type veth peer name veth21

echo "Adding the veth pairs to the namespaces"
sudo ip link set veth11 netns $CON1
sudo ip link set veth21 netns $CON2

echo "Configuring the interfaces in the network namespaces with IP address"
sudo ip netns exec $CON1 ip addr add $IP1/24 dev veth11
sudo ip netns exec $CON2 ip addr add $IP2/24 dev veth21

echo "Enabling the interfaces inside the network namespaces"
sudo ip netns exec $CON1 ip link set dev veth11 up
sudo ip netns exec $CON2 ip link set dev veth21 up

echo "Creating the bridge"
sudo ip link add name br0 type bridge

echo "Adding the network namespaces interfaces to the bridge"
sudo ip link set dev veth10 master br0
sudo ip link set dev veth20 master br0

echo "Assigning the IP address to the bridge"
sudo ip addr add $BRIDGE_IP/24 dev br0

echo "Enabling the bridge"
sudo ip link set dev br0 up

echo "Enabling the interfaces connected to the bridge"
sudo ip link set dev veth10 up
sudo ip link set dev veth20 up

echo "Setting the loopback interfaces in the network namespaces"
sudo ip netns exec $CON1 ip link set lo up
sudo ip netns exec $CON2 ip link set lo up

echo "Setting the default route in the network namespaces"
sudo ip netns exec $CON1 ip route add default via $BRIDGE_IP dev veth11
sudo ip netns exec $CON2 ip route add default via $BRIDGE_IP dev veth21


第三步,Multiple nodes, same L2 network.





#!/bin/bash -e


echo "Creating the namespaces"
sudo ip netns add $CON1
sudo ip netns add $CON2

echo "Creating the veth pairs"
sudo ip link add veth10 type veth peer name veth11
sudo ip link add veth20 type veth peer name veth21

echo "Adding the veth pairs to the namespaces"
sudo ip link set veth11 netns $CON1
sudo ip link set veth21 netns $CON2

echo "Configuring the interfaces in the network namespaces with IP address"
sudo ip netns exec $CON1 ip addr add $IP1/24 dev veth11
sudo ip netns exec $CON2 ip addr add $IP2/24 dev veth21

echo "Enabling the interfaces inside the network namespaces"
sudo ip netns exec $CON1 ip link set dev veth11 up
sudo ip netns exec $CON2 ip link set dev veth21 up

echo "Creating the bridge"
sudo ip link add name br0 type bridge

echo "Adding the network namespaces interfaces to the bridge"
sudo ip link set dev veth10 master br0
sudo ip link set dev veth20 master br0

echo "Assigning the IP address to the bridge"
sudo ip addr add $BRIDGE_IP/24 dev br0

echo "Enabling the bridge"
sudo ip link set dev br0 up

echo "Enabling the interfaces connected to the bridge"
sudo ip link set dev veth10 up
sudo ip link set dev veth20 up

echo "Setting the loopback interfaces in the network namespaces"
sudo ip netns exec $CON1 ip link set lo up
sudo ip netns exec $CON2 ip link set lo up

echo "Setting the default route in the network namespaces"
sudo ip netns exec $CON1 ip route add default via $BRIDGE_IP dev veth11
sudo ip netns exec $CON2 ip route add default via $BRIDGE_IP dev veth21

# ------------------- Step 3 Specific Setup --------------------- #

echo "Setting the route on the node to reach the network namespaces on the other node"
sudo ip route add $TO_BRIDGE_SUBNET via $TO_NODE_IP dev enp0s8

echo "Enables IP forwarding on the node"
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1


第四步,Multiple nodes, overlay network.





#!/bin/bash -e


echo "Creating the namespaces"
sudo ip netns add $CON1
sudo ip netns add $CON2

echo "Creating the veth pairs"
sudo ip link add veth10 type veth peer name veth11
sudo ip link add veth20 type veth peer name veth21

echo "Adding the veth pairs to the namespaces"
sudo ip link set veth11 netns $CON1
sudo ip link set veth21 netns $CON2

echo "Configuring the interfaces in the network namespaces with IP address"
sudo ip netns exec $CON1 ip addr add $IP1/24 dev veth11
sudo ip netns exec $CON2 ip addr add $IP2/24 dev veth21

echo "Enabling the interfaces inside the network namespaces"
sudo ip netns exec $CON1 ip link set dev veth11 up
sudo ip netns exec $CON2 ip link set dev veth21 up

echo "Creating the bridge"
sudo ip link add name br0 type bridge

echo "Adding the network namespaces interfaces to the bridge"
sudo ip link set dev veth10 master br0
sudo ip link set dev veth20 master br0

echo "Assigning the IP address to the bridge"
sudo ip addr add $BRIDGE_IP/24 dev br0

echo "Enabling the bridge"
sudo ip link set dev br0 up

echo "Enabling the interfaces connected to the bridge"
sudo ip link set dev veth10 up
sudo ip link set dev veth20 up

echo "Setting the loopback interfaces in the network namespaces"
sudo ip netns exec $CON1 ip link set lo up
sudo ip netns exec $CON2 ip link set lo up

echo "Setting the default route in the network namespaces"
sudo ip netns exec $CON1 ip route add default via $BRIDGE_IP dev veth11
sudo ip netns exec $CON2 ip route add default via $BRIDGE_IP dev veth21

echo "Enables IP forwarding on the node"
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

# ------------------- Step 4 Specific Setup --------------------- #

echo "Starts the UDP tunnel in the background"
sudo socat TUN:$TUNNEL_IP/16,iff-up UDP:$TO_NODE_IP:9000,bind=$NODE_IP:9000 &

echo "Setting the MTU on the tun interface"
sudo ip link set dev tun0 mtu 1492

echo "Disables reverse path filtering"
sudo bash -c 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter'
sudo bash -c 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/enp0s8/rp_filter'
sudo bash -c 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/br0/rp_filter'
sudo bash -c 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tun0/rp_filter'



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