2018-08-12  本文已影响0人  HAHABOSS

   The Woods

In this spring, your hair is green,

The moss hugs you like a ring.

The woodpeckers fly up to the tree,

Try to make the trees clean.

In this summer, you change,

Your range is about five miles total.

Your hair is fire,

Your woodpecker is hire. .

In this autumn, the kids are coming,

Some of them are commandos of destroying.

 They pull down your hair wildly,

Kill your child,

And scare your doctors away.

Some of them are tree helpers,

They help your child.

 They kill the offensive insects.

Build a line of defense (fence)

The commandos come back,

They break a line lacking defense.

Poison the healthy soil (spit),

 Step the poor plant.

 The helpers come back,

They bring teacher this time.

When they see a mess,

They hesitate and look at the commandos,

The teacher punishes them.

The commandos give up, because they grab notes up. the helpers laugh,

The commandos cough. the woods become peaceful,

When the commandos fell full, Your children are alive,

 It leads to a lively end.


