
2018-08-22  本文已影响0人  币威


1、To C:幸运大转盘本周一正式上线,分为免费场及高级场。提供的奖品包括:BCV、BTC、ETH、DOGE、PMD、OPC 等。您可以邀请好友下载币威钱包获得免费场抽奖次数或者支付5BCV获得一次高级场抽奖次数。高级场每天抽奖次数不限定,免费场每天获得免费 3 次,邀请好友抽奖次数上限为 10 次。

To C: the grand wheel of fortune officially launched on Monday. It is divided into free game and advanced game. Prizes include: BCV, BTC, ETH, DOGE, PMD, OPC, etc. You can invite friends to download BitCV wallet to get free raffle times or pay 5 BCV to get an advanced raffle number. There is no limit on the number of raffle tickets per day in advanced games. Free raffle tickets are available for 3 times per day, and the maximum number of raffle invitations for friends is 10 times

2、To C:优化钱包、糖包体验,优化内容包含稳定性,打开速度等方面。币威钱包致力于打造具有独特体验的安全易用的跨链钱包。

To C: optimize the wallet, Tangbao experience, and optimize the content including stability, opening speed and other aspects. BitCV wallet is a secure and easy-to-use chain wallet with unique experience.

3、To F:量化AI方面,团队对 BCtrend 提供的数据进行了首次分析,初步认定三组数据具与市场预测有强相关性,将会进行更深入机器学习。并将与 BCtrend 展开更深入合作,挖掘更多有效数据。

To F: in terms of quantitative AI, the team conducted the first analysis on the data provided by BCtrend. It preliminarily determined that the three sets of data tools were strongly correlated with the market forecast and would conduct further machine learning. Further cooperation with BCtrend will be conducted to mine more effective data.

4、To C:余币宝上新:新增 10000 BCV 起投,年化收益 12%,周期 90 天,降门槛不降收益。余币宝在币威钱包 2.0 版本上线时即实现移动化,更加便捷使用。

To C: new on Yubibao: 10000 BCV will be added. The annual return is 12%. The period is 90 days. Yubibao is mobile when BitCV wallet version 2.0 is launched, making it more convenient to use.


1、完成 PR 内部机制优化初稿,本周作为试用周正式开始实施,并根据实际情况做出适当调整。

Completed the preliminary draft of PR internal mechanism optimization, which was officially implemented as a trial week this week, and made appropriate adjustments according to the actual situation.


BitCV wallet has been reported by Jinse finance and economics, phoenix finance and economics, snowball net, FX168 finance and other media. Under the theme of "BitCV wallet: dedicated to building alipay in the field of blockchain", the media analyzed the industry trend, technical characteristics and product innovation respectively.

3、量化风控合伙人段思程与 BCTrend 创始人 Jeff 进行了深入的洽谈,BCTrend 将作为数据提供方和技术支持方与币威合作,在数据服务和量化分析等领域给用户提供更加全面精准的服务

Duansicheng, co-founder of BitCV, has had in-depth discussions with Jeff, founder of BCTrend. BCTrend will cooperate with BitCV as data provider and technical support party to provide users with more comprehensive and accurate services in data services, quantitative analysis and other fields.

4、与 AAC 锐角云达成战略合作加入币威生态伙伴,双方将在市场拓展方面展开大力合作。与 WS 智慧谷达成初步合作意向,双方将展开深度探讨交流。

Strategic cooperation with AAC to join BitCV partners, the two sides will cooperate vigorously in market development. The two sides have reached preliminary cooperation intention with WS and will conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges.

5、本周代发业务和糖包定制,交付 2 家糖包定制,协助多个项目方完成一键代发多地址业务。

This week, the commission business and Tangbao customization were delivered to two Tangbao customizations to assist multiple project parties to complete Daifabao business.

6、与 4 个项目方洽谈合作,建立深度合作,新增1家生态币威合作伙伴,AAC 锐角云成为币威生态伙伴,与WS智慧谷、BSTK根源链、AAC锐角云,OPC章鱼宝建立深度合作,并开展市场推广技术等各方面合作。

Negotiate and cooperate with 4 project parties, establish deep cooperation and add 1 new ecological partner. Establish deep cooperation with WS, BSTK, AAC and OPC, and carry out cooperation in market promotion technology and other aspects.

7、新型空投游戏模式的幸运大转盘上线第一周,得到 PMD 和 OPC 等项目方支持,受到用户的关注,欢迎更多项目方积极参与转盘活动。目前币威钱包已经支持 60 个币种,欢迎项目方洽谈合作,上币币威钱包和空投币威钱包的 18 万用户。

In the first week after the launch of the new airdrop game mode, the lucky turntable was supported by PMD, OPC and other project parties, and attracted users' attention. We welcome more project parties to actively participate in the turntable activities. At present, BitCV wallet already supports 60 Token, and the project side is welcome to negotiate and cooperate.


1、以“艰苦创业、不忘初心”为主题开展为期三天的团建活动。期间全体团队成员徒步 22 公里,团队成员均完成既定目标,在徒步的过程中开展关于团队合作、团队精神等方面的训练。团队表现出色,本次团建活动获得很大成功。在活动结束后团队成员交流感悟。本次活动大家的感悟:可能这是很多人人生中走的最长的路。一个人可以走得很快,但一群人才能走的更远。这一路上有欢笑,有辛苦,希望每个人的内心都会对这次活动难以忘怀。不忘初心,创业的路上没有最终的成功,也没有致命的失败,最可贵的是继续前进的勇气!

The three-day group construction activity will be carried out on the theme of "hard work, never forgetting the original intention". During this period, all team members walked 22 kilometers on foot, and all team members completed the set goals. During the hiking, they carried out training on teamwork, team spirit and other aspects. The team performed well and the team building activity was a great success. At the end of the activity, the team members communicated with each other. What we learned from this activity: this may be the longest road many people have ever traveled in their lives. One can go faster, but a group of people can go farther. There is laughter and hard work along the way. I hope everyone's heart will never forget this activity. Never forget the original intention, there is no final success or fatal failure on the way to start a business, the most valuable thing is the courage to continue to advance!


The half-year summary meeting of the team was held. The meeting was centered on "the road to entrepreneurship". The team members were briefed on the success and failure of BitCV in the six months since its establishment and their experiences. Targets for the next three months, six months and one year were proposed for all departments and teams. The fixed goal of the team is to make regular partner meetings based on the actual situation of the team and the characteristics of the industry.


Recruiting graphic designer, front-end development engineer, sales intern, new media operation intern. Please send your resume to hr@bitcv.com

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