
The Sun Also Rises 太阳照旧升起 CH 13-

2017-03-10  本文已影响12人  刘小麦同学


1. pass out

昏倒;晕过去;If you pass out, you faint or collapse.

We got here Friday, Brett passed out on the train, so brought her here for 3 days rest with old friends of ours. ”

摘录来自: Ernest Hemingway. 

2. done in

too tired to do any more.

He looked completely done in when he arrived at work.

All our love and sorry to be late, but Brett was really done in and will be quite all right by Tues. and is practically so now. 

3.lose track (of)

to no longer know where someone or something is or what is happening

I’ve lost track of what she’s doing now.

Wonderful how one loses track of the days up here in the mountains.


4. stop on

to remain at a place longer than you had intended to

I might stop on for a day or two.

I'd best stop on here, though.

5. aflictionado

狂热爱好者;迷;If someone is an aficionado of something, they like it and know a lot about it.

I happen to be an aficionado of the opera, and I love art museums...


6.gore /gɔː(r)/

verb[with obj.]

(of an animal such as a bull) pierce or stab with a horn or tusk

(如公牛等动物)用角抵; 用獠牙刺。

7. crinkle up

Crinkle up is used with these nouns as the subject: eye

Her eyes crinkled up as we came up to the table.


8. bolt

常指人或动物因受惊吓迅速逃跑,逃窜;If a person or anima lbolts, they suddenly start to run very fast, often because something has frightened them.[V] [V prep/adv]

9. charge

rush forward in attack


今天读到斗牛的那段的时候,瞬间就把激情的BULL和STEER之间的关系联想到了Brett和追逐他的男人们的关系,一个激情满满,毫无约束,一个为爱奋不顾身。后来Mike辱骂Robert是STEER,恰好说明了这点。不过我认为,不止Robert是STEER, MIKE, JAKE, COUNT统统都是。


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