Mybatis 文档篇 2.4:Configuration 之
1 Configuration Structure
- properties
- settings
- typeAliases
- typeHandlers
- objectFactory
- plugins
- environment
- transactionManager
- dataSource
- environment
- databaseIdProvider
- mappers
2 TypeHandlers
2.1 默认的 TypeHandler
Whenever MyBatis sets a parameter on a PreparedStatement or retrieves a value from a ResultSet, a TypeHandler is used to retrieve the value in a means appropriate to the Java type.
作用:无论是 Mybatis 在 PreparedStatement 设置参数还是从 ResultSet 获取值,TypeHandler 都会将获取到的值以一个合适的方式转换成 Java 类型。
2.2 自定义 TypeHandler
You can override the type handlers or create your own to deal with unsupported or non-standard types.
To do so, implement the interface org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeHandler or extend the convenience class org.apache.ibatis.type.BaseTypeHandler and optionally map it to a JDBC type.
具体方法是:实现接口 org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeHandler 或者继承类 org.apache.ibatis.type.BaseTypeHandler ,选择性地将它映射到 JDBC 类型。
public class ExampleTypeHandler extends BaseTypeHandler<String> {
public void setNonNullParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int i, String parameter, JdbcType jdbcType) throws SQLException {
ps.setString(i, parameter);
public String getNullableResult(ResultSet rs, String columnName) throws SQLException {
return rs.getString(columnName);
public String getNullableResult(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
return rs.getString(columnIndex);
public String getNullableResult(CallableStatement cs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
return cs.getString(columnIndex);
<!-- mybatis-config.xml -->
<typeHandler handler="org.mybatis.example.ExampleTypeHandler"/>
Using such a TypeHandler would override the existing type handler for Java String properties and VARCHAR parameters and results.
使用这样一个 TypeHandler 将覆盖已经存在的处理 Java String 类型属性和 VARCHAR 参数和结果集的类型处理器。
2.3 MyBatis 如何查找 TypeHandler
Note that MyBatis does not introspect upon the database metadata to determine the type, so you must specify that it’s a VARCHAR field in the parameter and result mappings to hook in the correct type handler.
注意,MyBatis 不会窥探数据库元信息来决定使用哪种类型,所以你必须在参数和结果集中指定这是个 VARCHAR 类型的字段,从而可以使用正确的类型处理器。
This is due to the fact that MyBatis is unaware of the data type until the statement is executed.
这是因为 MyBatis 直到语句执行才知道数据类型。
2.3.1 如何知道 Java Type
MyBatis will know the Java type that you want to handle with this TypeHandler by introspecting its generic type, but you can override this behavior by two means:
MyBatis 会通过查看泛型来知道你想要通过该 TypeHandler 处理的 Java 类型,你也可以通过以下两种方式覆盖这个行为:
Adding a javaType attribute to the typeHandler element (for example: javaType="String")
在 mybatis-config.xml 中的 typeHandler 元素中添加 javaType 属性。(例如:javaType="String") -
Adding a @MappedTypes annotation to your TypeHandler class specifying the list of java types to associate it with. This annotation will be ignored if the javaType attribute as also been specified.
在 TypeHandler 类中通过加入 @MappedTypes 注解的方式指定关联的 Java 类型列表。如果已经设置了 javaType 属性,这个注解将被忽略。
如:@MappedTypes({Integer.class, Double.class})
2.3.2 如何知道 JDBC Type
Associated JDBC type can be specified by two means:
有以下两种方式可指定 JDBC 类型:
Adding a jdbcType attribute to the typeHandler element (for example: jdbcType="VARCHAR").
在 typeHandler 元素中添加 jdbcType 属性。(例如:jdbcType="VARCHAR") -
Adding a @MappedJdbcTypes annotation to your TypeHandler class specifying the list of JDBC types to associate it with. This annotation will be ignored if the jdbcType attribute as also been specified.
在你的 TypeHandler 类中添加 @MappedJdbcTypes 注解指定要关联的 JDBC 类型列表。如果已经设置了 jdbcType 属性,这个注解将被忽略。
如:@MappedJdbcTypes({JdbcType.INTEGER, JdbcType.DOUBLE})
2.3.3 如何选择 TypeHandler
When deciding which TypeHandler to use in a ResultMap, the Java type is known (from the result type), but the JDBC type is unknown.
当决定在 ResultMap 中使用哪个 TypeHandler 时,Java 类型是已知的(从结果类型中知道),但 JDBC 类型是未知的。
MyBatis therefore uses the combination javaType=[TheJavaType], jdbcType=null to choose a TypeHandler.
因此,MyBatis 使用 javaType=[TheJavaType], jdbcType=null 的组合去选择一个 TypeHandler。
This means that using a @MappedJdbcTypes annotation restricts the scope of a TypeHandler and makes it unavailable for use in ResultMaps unless explicity set.
这就意味着使用 @MappedJdbcTypes 注解可以限制 TypeHandler 的范围,除非显式设置,否则 TypeHandler 在 ResultMap 中是无效的。
To make a TypeHandler available for use in a ResultMap, set includeNullJdbcType=true on the @MappedJdbcTypes annotation.
为了使 TypeHandler 在 ResultMap 中有效,在 @MappedJdbcTypes 注解上设置 includeNullJdbcType=true 即可。
Since Mybatis 3.4.0 however, if a single TypeHandler is registered to handle a Java type, it will be used by default in ResultMaps using this Java type (i.e. even without includeNullJdbcType=true).
但是从 Mybatis 3.4.0 开始,如果单个 TypeHandler 只被注册绑定给一个 Java 类型,它将在使用该 Java 类型的 ResultMap 中被默认使用。不用设置 includeNullJdbcType=true)
And finally you can let MyBatis search for your TypeHandlers:
最后你可以让 MyBatis 来查找你的 TypeHandler:
<!-- mybatis-config.xml -->
<package name="org.mybatis.example"/>
Note that when using the autodiscovery feature JDBC types can only be specified with annotations.
注意,当使用自动检索功能时,JDBC 类型仅能通过注解方式被指定。
2.4 创建可以处理多个类的 TypeHandler
You can create a generic TypeHandler that is able to handle more than one class.
For that purpose add a constructor that receives the class as a parameter and MyBatis will pass the actual class when constructing the TypeHandler.
怎么做:为了使用泛型类型处理器,需要增加一个接收该类的 class 作为参数的构造器,Mybatis 会在构造该 TypeHandler 时传递一个具体的类。
public class GenericTypeHandler<E extends MyObject> extends BaseTypeHandler<E> {
private Class<E> type;
public GenericTypeHandler(Class<E> type) {
if (type == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type argument cannot be null");
this.type = type;
EnumTypeHandler and EnumOrdinalTypeHandler are generic TypeHandlers.
EnumTypeHandler 和 EnumOrdinalTypeHandler 就是泛型类型构造器。
2.5 Handling Enums
If you want to map an Enum, you'll need to use either EnumTypeHandler or EnumOrdinalTypeHandler.For example, let's say that we need to store the rounding mode that should be used with some number if it needs to be rounded.
使用场景:如果你想要映射一个枚举类型,你将会用到 EnumTypeHandler 或 EnumOrdinalTypeHandler。比如,我们想使用 RoundingMode 来存取数字的近似值(java.math.RoundingMode 是一个 Enum)。
By default, MyBatis uses EnumTypeHandler to convert the Enum values to their names.
默认情况下,MyBatis 使用 EnumTypeHandler 转换枚举值到对应的名字。
Note EnumTypeHandler is special in the sense that unlike other handlers, it does not handle just one specific class, but any class that extends Enum.
注意,在某种意义上,相比于其他的处理器,EnumTypeHandler 是特殊的,它不止能处理某个特定的类,而是能处理所有继承自 Enum 的类。
However, we may not want to store names. Our DBA may insist on an integer code instead. That's just as easy: add EnumOrdinalTypeHandler to the typeHandlers in your config file, and now each RoundingMode will be mapped to an integer using its ordinal value.
但是,我们可能不想要存储名字。我们的 DBA 可能坚持要使用整型值来替代它。那也一样简单:给配置文件中的 typeHandlers 添加 EnumOrdinalTypeHandler 即可,这样每个 RoundingMode 将通过它们的序数值映射成对应的数值。
<!-- mybatis-config.xml -->
<typeHandler handler="org.apache.ibatis.type.EnumOrdinalTypeHandler" javaType="java.math.RoundingMode"/>
But what if you want to map the same Enum to a string in one place and to integer in another?
但是万一你想要将同样的 Enum 同时映射成字符串类型和整型呢?
The auto-mapper will automatically use EnumOrdinalTypeHandler, so if we want to go back to using plain old ordinary EnumTypeHandler, we have to tell it, by explicitly setting the type handler to use for those SQL statements.
自动映射器会自动使用 EnumOrdinalTypeHandler,所以如果我们想使用普通的 EnumTypeHandler,我们就需要在语句中显式地定义该类型处理器。
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="org.apache.ibatis.submitted.rounding.Mapper">
<resultMap type="org.apache.ibatis.submitted.rounding.User" id="usermap">
<id column="id" property="id"/>
<result column="name" property="name"/>
<result column="funkyNumber" property="funkyNumber"/>
<result column="roundingMode" property="roundingMode"/>
<select id="getUser" resultMap="usermap">
select * from users
<insert id="insert">
insert into users (id, name, funkyNumber, roundingMode) values (
#{id}, #{name}, #{funkyNumber}, #{roundingMode}
<resultMap type="org.apache.ibatis.submitted.rounding.User" id="usermap2">
<id column="id" property="id"/>
<result column="name" property="name"/>
<result column="funkyNumber" property="funkyNumber"/>
<result column="roundingMode" property="roundingMode" typeHandler="org.apache.ibatis.type.EnumTypeHandler"/>
<select id="getUser2" resultMap="usermap2">
select * from users2
<insert id="insert2">
insert into users2 (id, name, funkyNumber, roundingMode) values (
#{id}, #{name}, #{funkyNumber}, #{roundingMode, typeHandler=org.apache.ibatis.type.EnumTypeHandler}
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