L5-U2-P1 The teenage years
What's so funny?什么事这么有趣
What are you writing about?你在写什么
I'm writing about something I saw earlier this morning.我在写些早上的见闻
Really? Do you keep a journal?真的?你一直在写日记?
Yes, I do.是的
Every weekend I write about things that happened during the week.每个周末,我会写这一周发生的事情
How long have you been doing it?你已经写日记多长时间了
I've been doing it fairly regularly since high school.高中开始我已经很有规律地写了
Are you going to turn it into a book?I don't know.你打算把它变成书吗?我不知道
Maybe I will someday but for now it's just for me.或许,将来某一天会吧,但是现在它只属于我
So what was so interesting about what you saw this morning.那么,今天早上你看到什么有趣的事情了
I was in the same coffee shop I usually go to and a group of teenagers came in.我在我经常去的咖啡店里,一群青少年(13-19岁)走了进来
I couldn't help watching them and trying to hear some of their conversation.我忍不住看他们,试图听他们的谈话
That must have been interesting.那肯定很有趣
Yes, it was.The more I watched them the more I realized how glad I am that I don't have to go through that stage of life again.是的,我越看他们越开心,因为我不用再经历人生的那个阶段
So it brought back some memories?那么,它带回一些回忆?
Yes, it did.是的
It was so clear how uncomfortable some of them were, yet they were pretending to have a good time.很清楚他们中的一些人很不舒服,然而他们假装很高兴
At least, that's how it seemed to me.至少,在我看来是这样.
Why do you think they were pretending你觉得他们为什么要假装
It was just the way they smiled and laughed.这只是他们微笑和大笑的方式
It seemed unnatural and overdone, as if they were bad actors.似乎他们是不好的演员,他似乎不自然或做过了
A couple of the boys were really awkward around the girls, and two of the girls were wearing too much makeup.几个男孩在女孩周围真的很尴尬而且女孩中有两个画了太浓的妆
I had to stop myself laughing.我不得不停止大笑
Yes, I can imagine it.是的,我能相信到
I can remember wanting to be popular when I was in high school.我能记得当我在高中时想要被受欢迎
Now that you mention it, it wasn't a great time, though I had some fun too.现在你提到了,它不是一个好的时光,虽然我有一些快乐
I guess it wasn't so bad at the time, except when I was preparing for my university entrance examinations.我认为当时还不算太糟,除了我准备大学入学考试的时候
Yes, that was awful.My parents put tons of pressure on me, so I thought I was going to go crazy.是的,那太可怕了.我的父母给了我很大的压力,因此我觉得我快疯了
What about girls?女孩呢?
Did you have any girlfriends?你有女朋友吗?
There was one girl I had a crush on, but I thought she was interested in somebody else.我迷恋一个女孩,但是我想她喜欢其他人
I didn't find out until much later that she was interested in me too.直到很久以后 我才发现她也喜欢我
It was a lost opportunity, one of many.这是失去的一个机会,许多中的一个
Really? you should become a writer or make a movie.真的吗?你应该成为一个作家或者拍一部电影
You have a great imagination.你很有想象力
To be honest, it's much easier to imagine things than actually do things.说实话,想象事情比实际做事情容易多了
You can say that again.你说的对