病了,几乎要死  >…<

2017-09-14  本文已影响0人  狮子和羊
病了,几乎要死  >…<

“25然而,我想必须打发 以巴弗提 到你们那里去。他是我的兄弟,与我一同做工,一同当兵,是你们所差遣的,也是供给我需用的。 26他很想念你们众人,并且极其难过,因为你们听见他病了。 27他实在是病了,几乎要死;然而 神怜恤他,不但怜恤他,也怜恤我,免得我忧上加忧。 28所以我越发急速打发他去,叫你们再见他,就可以喜乐,我也可以少些忧愁。 29故此,你们要在主里欢欢乐乐地接待他,而且要尊重这样的人; 30因他为做基督的工夫,几乎至死,不顾性命,要补足你们供给我的不及之处。” 腓立比书 2:25-30




Verse 25-30

Can Christians become sick? Although the answer is yes, but we often assume that God will go out of his way to protect his children. The reality is that even for those who serve, it is also possible that their diligent service for God can come at the cost of their health. It is also true that while we are not spared the experience of deathly sickness by God, his mercy is still available for us who are in such circumstances (verse 27). We should not treat sickness as a abnormality but realise we need wisdom and mercy from God when we encounter sickness.

In today's passage, the mercy of God carried Epaphroditus through his difficult times back to health. Still, Paul as the spiritual oversight, recognises another need of Epaphroditus and forces Epaphroditus to take leave, not because he is physically down, but because he is troubled in his spirit. While it is his physical health which hampered Epaphroditus for a while, he has since recovered, but he is still troubled because his sending church is worried for him. Paul wisely recognises that he needed extra rest and the way to do that is for him to be in the fellowship with a community of Christians who are both worried for him and willing to receive him in joy (verse 26 and 29).

Christians are blessed people because we as a community can support our fellow brothers and sisters in their times of need. Whether you are a Epaphroditus who needs to draw strength from the mercy of God, or a Paul who needs to support your co-worker, or even if you are part of the Philippian church who has sent workers to serve the Lord in the field, we are to pay attention to those with sickness and troubled spirits and give special care to receiving them with honor. In this way sorrow can turn to joy, and trouble can give way to health. Is there someone in your midst you can show concern to, especially if that person is serving tirelessly? If there are particular struggles he or she is facing, might you be willing to share some of his or her burdens, and be a part of that healing process?


