[Day 1552 2018-12-26]
Lesson80 The Crystal Palace
Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace, which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world, for it was made of iron and glass. It was one of the biggest buildings of all time and a lot of people from many countries came to see it. A great many goods were sent to the exhibition from various parts of the world. There was also a great deal of machinery on display. The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyth's steam hammer. Though in those days, traveling was not as easy as it is today, steam boats carried thousands of visitors across the Channel from Europe. On arriving in England, they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train. There were six million visitors in all, and the profits from the exhibition were used to build museums and colleges. Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London. It remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.
[deɪ 1552 2018-12-26]
ˈlɛsən80 ðə ˈkrɪstəl ˈpæləs
pərˈhæps ðə moʊst ɪkˈstrɔrdəˌnɛri ˈbɪldɪŋ ʌv ðə ˈnaɪnˈtinθ ˈsɛnʧəri wʌz ðə ˈkrɪstəl ˈpæləs, wɪʧ wʌz bɪlt ɪn haɪd pɑrk fɔr ðə greɪt ˌɛksəˈbɪʃən ʌv 1851. ðə ˈkrɪstəl ˈpæləs wʌz ˈdɪfərənt frʌm ɔl ˈʌðər ˈbɪldɪŋz ɪn ðə wɜrld, fɔr ɪt wʌz meɪd ʌv ˈaɪərn ænd glæs. ɪt wʌz wʌn ʌv ðə ˈbɪgəst ˈbɪldɪŋz ʌv ɔl taɪm ænd ə lɑt ʌv ˈpipəl frʌm ˈmɛni ˈkʌntriz keɪm tu si ɪt. ə greɪt ˈmɛni gʊdz wɜr sɛnt tu ði ˌɛksəˈbɪʃən frʌm ˈvɛriəs pɑrts ʌv ðə wɜrld. ðɛr wʌz ˈɔlsoʊ ə greɪt dil ʌv məˈʃinəri ɑn dɪˈspleɪ. ðə moʊst ˈwʌndərfəl pis ʌv məˈʃinəri ɑn ʃoʊ wʌz Nasmyth's stim ˈhæmər. ðoʊ ɪn ðoʊz deɪz, ˈtrævəlɪŋ wʌz nɑt æz ˈizi æz ɪt ɪz təˈdeɪ, stim boʊts ˈkærid ˈθaʊzəndz ʌv ˈvɪzətərz əˈkrɔs ðə ˈʧænəl frʌm ˈjʊrəp. ɑn əˈraɪvɪŋ ɪn ˈɪŋglənd, ðeɪ wɜr ˈteɪkən tu ðə ˈkrɪstəl ˈpæləs baɪ treɪn. ðɛr wɜr sɪks ˈmɪljən ˈvɪzətərz ɪn ɔl, ænd ðə ˈprɑfɪts frʌm ði ˌɛksəˈbɪʃən wɜr juzd tu bɪld mjuˈziəmz ænd ˈkɑlɪʤɪz. ˈleɪtər, ðə ˈkrɪstəl ˈpæləs wʌz muvd tu saʊθ ˈlʌndən. ɪt rɪˈmeɪnd wʌn ʌv ðə moʊst ˈfeɪməs ˈbɪldɪŋz ɪn ðə wɜrld ənˈtɪl ɪt wʌz bɜrnt daʊn ɪn 1936.