The Willpower Instinct  day1

2017-03-11  本文已影响0人  咕噜噜泡泡

 2017.03.10            day 1

1.willpower N 意志力

Willpower is the ability to control your thoughts and actions in order to achieve what you want to do.

He stopped smoking by willpower.

2.backfire. vi v. 〔计划或行动〕发生意外,产生事与愿违的结果 | 〔汽车引擎〕逆火,回火

例句:I saw again and again that the strategies most people use weren’tjust ineffective—they actually backfired, leading to self-sabotageand losing control.

仿写:The plan backfires.

3.procrastination: .n 延迟,拖延

例句:How we can break old habits and creat healthy habits conquer procrastination

仿写:We can save time by over coming procrastination.

4.sufficient  adj. 足够的,充足的

例句:What we wanted to change were sufficient,every New Year's resolution would be a success and my classroom would be empty.

仿写:Parents should give their kids sufficient room to express their feelings.

5.self-control 自我控制;自制

例句:I'll even ask you to conduct some filed studies,such as sleuthing out how retailers use to store design to weaken your self control.

仿写:My short coming is lake of self control.


It demonstrates the importance of understanding the limits of self-control,and presents the best strategies for training willpower.

I am a scientist by training,and one of the very first things I learned is that while theories are nice,date is better.


The foreword tell us this book is talking about willpower including how self control works,why it matters,and what you can do to get more of it. It also tell us how to use this book. I have bought this book for several years but don't finish it yet because I am lack of willpower. I hope this time I can finish this book by self control.' The intelligent want self control,children want candy ',I will be the intelligent one.


