D24 Jan. 13. 2017
2017-01-18 本文已影响0人
I don't know what to write. But I have to write. Someone is doing better than me. Maybe I can complain the weather... :D
Yesterday I went out for business. I was expecting the weather would be that bad when I started to move in the morning. It wasn't that bad when I drove in the city. Then I got to the edge, I knew I was heading to a fairy tale world.

It was heavy haze and I can barely see any sign on the road. I drove carefully at a speed of 30 km. Safety is the first priority any way. It just needed a little longer time to get there.
The haze was gone till noon. And I totally understand why a friend of mine who lives in Nanfang wanted a air clearner. I don't want to say I hate the city. I am just tired of these bull shit.