Jinan Confererence Recap-10.27-1
一、What I learned from the conference?
Day1-Mandarian Contest
2.台风淡定能控场,深知规则, 问时间官,裁判,观众们准备好吗,气氛调动,舒服自然

开场 动作戏(一直等不到握手)引出题目,小故事谈紧张带来的麻烦,重点引出在头马“你吹我捧,共攀高峰”舞台,明白打着紧张旗号不去做,面对它,接受它,与他做朋友。结尾浑然有力,肯定这样醒悟,提出口号,金句“紧张是我的出厂设置“
开头戴假发装国际范,一串排比压韵句子。爸爸说还是小芳,走不出去,找国外朋友变国际,nice to meet you山西陈醋味儿。不甘心平凡,急于求成,想融入但是又抵触,加入头马,小明带路,找到自己前路。金句,接受自己,脚踏实地。展望国际舞台。
加入头马,实因为美女,但是为了洗白,要锻口语,提出“猜蒙装”,公开承诺要做她能即兴演讲冠军,面对困难,潮水般鼓励。放低身价,让大家觉得起码比他强,金句, I can do it, so you can do it.气势太强大,有冷幽默感 。

做VPM,辛酸无奈,头马是直销,我们卖概念,找到大众共鸣,VPM是真正的ice breaker
Day2-Keynote speech,Evaluation Contest&workshop
Darren Lacroix-world champanion
4 habits:1) Never turn down stage time

2)Record yourself everytime using video or audio, and recap for improvement
3)Are you confident enough to be humble?
4)You must crave feedback,make a pause to collect the audience's reaction.
Punch line(金句妙语)from darren
-the quickest way to connect with an audience is to share your failure, flaws, frustrations etc.
-If you are in your head, your emotions are dead(演讲时背诵没有机会传递感情给听众)
-If you want a masterpiece, you have to master the pieces.
-Dialogue allows us to say more in fewer words.
-It doesn’t matter what you say; it matters what the audience sees when you say it.
-Habits are like rail road tracks, they take a long time to put place, but once you do they will take you anywhere you want to go.

What I learned from the Evaluation contest?
2)改进建议: voice, body language, vocal variety,emphasize the keywords, made the contracst stronger,interaction with audience
What I learned from the workshop?

law of jungle 演讲之动物丛林法则
1) 找话题-鹰之眼
{时间筛选法,热点追踪法,逆向思维法(I wish you bad luck, 摧毁想法,阻止你又有钱又有才}
2) 讲故事-蜘蛛之网
3) 开头-华丽的孔雀头
方法2:*讲故事,造场景{时间+环境+人物+行为/心里活动+好奇 冲突,意外,如上图}
要不模糊, 不谦虚,不废话
4) 结尾-有力的豹尾
Liva-to be skillful toastermaster.
You could be a leader with knowledge, experience and could influence your followers in your career.
2)The teacher always learns more than student,give up what you are now, then you are possible to become what you want to be;stay proactive, enjoy helping people to grow, and as a result, obtain confidence and personal growth
4)Table topic-improtu speeach is everywhere, 4 elements(AREM): Answere the question,give your Reason and Example, at the end give your Message(见地,升华)
5)Bruce 让头马助力职业:困境如何快速找到症结做决断: 情感出现-想法浮现-整理思考-做笔记-着手解决问题
Day3-English humerous & world coffee

二、What shall I do after the conference?
首次参加峰会,阵容是超乎想象的,最震撼的大区这些会员们不同的玩法。 I am a little fish,TMC is ocean. 他们谈到的TMC技能助力工作,厌倦期的上升,增进生活,这些话题全部是我感兴趣的,原来有个组织可以让大家共同举力,研究透问题,太棒了。演讲的门道还真多,现在要开始 learning by doing!