86/100 看《摩登家庭》,学地道口语(3)

Luke用老爸Phil给买的toy gun不小心(accidently)打到了二姐Alex的胳膊,二姐向爸妈告状:
Alex: Luke just shot me!
Clarie : What did I tell you if you got him a gun? Deal with this! 处理吧!
Phil: Buddy , uncool.
Clarie: That's it? (就这?) No, no, no, the agreement(共识,我们说好的是) was that, if he shoots somone, you shoot him.
Phil:We were serious (认真的,当真的)about that?
Clarie: Yes, we were and now you have to follow through(执行,按照提前达成的共识去执行).
Joe is back home crying: Jason just beat me, it hurts.
M: Are you OK?
What did I tell you if you let him play with that kid again? Deal with this!
F: Don't cry Joe, you are a big boy .
M: That's it? No, the agreement was that if Jason beats him again, you gonna talk to Jason's parents.
F: We were serious about that?
M: Yes, we were, and now you have to follow through.
Stop being so hard on Manny.
Jay: The only reason I'm hard on Manny is just because I don't wanna see him make a fool of himself(不想看他出洋相). And I can smell that hair goo of his from here!
01. adj be hard on sb
if you are hard on someone, you treat them severely or unkindly严厉的
or to criticize someone in a way that is unfair, or to be too strict with them 对某人严厉/苛刻
Don't be so hard on him. 别对他太严厉。
Perhaps I'm too hard on her. 可能我对她太严厉了。
It's not good to be so hard on him.如此严厉地对待他并不好。
to have a bad effect on someone对某人有害;
to cause someone problems 给某人带来问题;(sth)使(sb)难以接受.
Divorce can be very hard on children.离婚会对孩子产生不良影响。
It‘s going to be hard on the kids if you move away.如果你搬走的话,孩子们会不好受。
My father's death was very hard on me.父亲的死让我难以接受。
02. be hard on sth
to have a bad effect on something对...不利,对...有害
Asprin can be hard on your stomach. 阿司匹林可能会伤胃。
Standing all day is very hard on the feet.整天站着脚很受罪。
03. make a fool of sb
to deliberatly try to make someone seem stupid愚弄某人,戏弄某人,使人显得愚蠢
Why did you try to make a fool of me in public?为什么你要在公众场合戏弄我?
Your brother is making a fool of you.你哥哥在愚弄你。
Don't try to make a fool of me! 别想愚弄我!
04. make a fool of oneself 使(sb)出丑,成为笑柄,出洋相
He was drinking and making a fool of himself. 他喝酒的时候洋相百出。
I met him one time and made a comeplete fool of myself.我见过他一次,还让自己出尽了洋相。
05. goo Uncountable
informal. a disgusting or unpleasantly sticky subtance (令人恶心的,讨厌的)黏糊糊的东西/粘性物质
My shoes were covered in oily goo.我的鞋子上满是油乎乎,黏不拉唧的东西。
My wash bag is covered in goo.我的盥洗用品袋子上满是黏糊糊的东西。
You can use goo to refer to any thick, sticky, substance, for example, mud or paste.(泥,胶等)粘性物
... a sticky goo of pineapple and coconut. 菠萝和叶子调成的黏黏的东西。