

2020-05-28  本文已影响0人  丁丁水天


Lesson 59 Collecting

Some things are collected deliberately in the home in an attempt to avoid waste. Among these I would list string and brown paper, kept by thrifty people when a parcel has been opened, to save buying these two requisites. Collecting small items can easily become a mania. I know someone who always cuts sketches out from newspapers of model clothes that she would like to buy if she had the money. As she is not rich, the chances that she will ever be able to afford such purchases are remote; but she is never sufficiently strong-minded to be able to stop the practice. It is a harmless habit, but it litters up her desk to such an extent that every time she opens it, loose bits of paper fall out in every direction. Collecting as a serious hobby is quite different and has many advantages. It provides relaxation for leisure hours, as just looking at one's treasures is always a joy. One does not have to go outside for amusement, since the collection is housed at home.




/ˈlɛsn/ 59 /kəˈlɛktɪŋ/

/sʌm/ /θɪŋz/ /ɑː/ /kəˈlɛktɪd/ /dɪˈlɪbərɪtli/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /həʊm/ /ɪn/ /ən/ /əˈtɛmpt/ /tuː/ /əˈvɔɪd/ /weɪst/. /əˈmʌŋ/ /ðiːz/ /aɪ/ /wʊd/ /lɪst/ /strɪŋ/ /ænd/ /braʊn/ /ˈpeɪpə/, /kɛpt/ /baɪ/ /ˈθrɪfti/ /ˈpiːpl/ /wɛn/ /ə/ /ˈpɑːsl/ /hæz/ /biːn/ /ˈəʊpənd/, /tuː/ /seɪv/ /ˈbaɪɪŋ/ /ðiːz/ /tuː/ /ˈrɛkwɪzɪts/. /kəˈlɛktɪŋ/ /smɔːl/ /ˈaɪtəmz/ /kæn ˈiːzɪli/ /bɪˈkʌm/ /ə/ /ˈmeɪniə/. /aɪ/ /nəʊ/ /ˈsʌmwʌn/ /huː/ /ˈɔːlweɪz/ /kʌts/ /ˈskɛʧɪz/ /aʊt/ /frɒm/ /ˈnjuːzˌpeɪpəz/ /ɒv/ /ˈmɒdl/ /kləʊðz/ /ðæt/ /ʃiː/ /wʊd/ /laɪk/ /tuː/ /baɪ/ /ɪf/ /ʃiː/ /hæd/ /ðə/ /ˈmʌni/. /æz/ /ʃiː/ /ɪz/ /nɒt/ /rɪʧ/, /ðə/ /ˈʧɑːnsɪz/ /ðæt/ /ʃiː/ /wɪl/ /ˈɛvə/ /biː/ /ˈeɪbl/ /tuː/ /əˈfɔːd/ /sʌʧ/ /ˈpɜːʧəsɪz/ /ɑː/ /rɪˈməʊt/; /bʌt/ /ʃiː/ /ɪz/ /ˈnɛvə/ /səˈfɪʃəntli/ /ˈstrɒŋˈmaɪndɪd/ /tuː/ /biː/ /ˈeɪbl/ /tuː/ /stɒp/ /ðə/ /ˈpræktɪs/. /ɪt/ /ɪz/ /ə/ /ˈhɑːmlɪs/ /ˈhæbɪt/, /bʌt/ /ɪt/ /ˈlɪtəz/ /ʌp/ /hɜː/ /dɛsk/ /tuː/ /sʌʧ/ /ən/ /ɪksˈtɛnt/ /ðæt/ /ˈɛvri/ /taɪm/ /ʃiː/ /ˈəʊpənz/ /ɪt/, /luːs/ /bɪts/ /ɒv/ /ˈpeɪpə/ /fɔːl/ /aʊt/ /ɪn/ /ˈɛvri/ /dɪˈrɛkʃən/. /kəˈlɛktɪŋ/ /æz/ /ə/ /ˈsɪərɪəs/ /ˈhɒbi/ /ɪz/ /kwaɪt/ /ˈdɪfrənt/ /ænd/ /hæz/ /ˈmɛni/ /ədˈvɑːntɪʤɪz/. /ɪt/ /prəˈvaɪdz/ /ˌriːlækˈseɪʃən/ /fɔː/ /ˈlɛʒər/ /ˈaʊəz/, /æz/ /ʤʌst/ /ˈlʊkɪŋ/ /æt/ /wʌnz/ /ˈtrɛʒəz/ /ɪz/ /ˈɔːlweɪz/ /ə/ /ʤɔɪ/. /wʌn/ /dʌz/ /nɒt/ /hæv/ /tuː/ /gəʊ/ /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ /fɔːr/ /əˈmjuːzmənt/, /sɪns/ /ðə/ /kəˈlɛkʃən/ /ɪz/ /haʊzd/ /æt/ /həʊm/.

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